
Wait for the English

An incredible story....God spoke to this remote tribe and told them the nationality of the person who would share the Gospel with them!!

Imagine traveling to a remote area in Africa, hoping to share the gospel and coming across a tribe whom God had prepared for your coming. That's what happened to Alfred Buxton's team of British missionaries in the late 1800's.

"One of our missionaries came across a tribe who asked him if he was English. When he told them he was, they brought him to a man who recounted the most astonishing story. Several years before, when he was a teenager, this man had a vivid dream. In the dream God told him, 'Wait for the English; they will tell you about Me.' After that dream, the people of the village questioned any white person who crossed their path, asking if he was English."  ~ Alfred Buxton 

Are you facing an "impossible" situation?

Take a moment today and remember that we serve a God who is able to speak to a tribe in the remotest parts of Africa. Yes, He "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20). 

God may be sending someone our way with a message of hope and grace, or He may be calling us to share His love with a struggling friend or family member (Ephesians 2:10).  

Let's be listening for His voice.


Buxton was C.T. Studd's son-in-law. The quote is from C.T. Studd, No Retreat, by Janet and Geoff Benge.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for
 Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons Why You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.

An incredible story....God spoke to this remote tribe and told them the nationality of the person who would share the Gospel with them!!

Bible Love Notes


  1. I love the comfort of knowing God will fulfill his plan for us and for mankind. What a privilege of coming alongside him in his work! Thanks for sharing such a terrific story.

  2. God is awesome, working all things together for good for His children! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!

  3. God is so awesome! I loved this story!

  4. I think I vaguely remember hearing or reading that story....or one similar. Thank you so much for reminding me of how powerful God is to work on my behalf. I just think my faith is kind of small like a mustard seed...but then that is big enough!!

    Thanks for hosting the linkup Gail :-)

  5. Always so amazing to be the answer to someone's prayer. Thanks for sharing this story, Gail and Happy Birthday!!!

  6. I love amazing stories, and it is NO coincidence when things like this happen. Thank you for hosting your lovely site. We should not be surprized when miracles happen, for God is the God of the seemingly impossable.

  7. Wow, that's awesome! I think it would be amazing to have been the missionary and hear that! :) What a blessing to have been the answer to that prayer! Thanks for hosting today.

  8. Gail, I reserve my specially coined word for occasions such as this: Love this SPIRITipitous story! Thank you for building my faith by sharing it!

  9. Your friend is a missionary? My son is going to be so pleased when I let him read this story. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Beautiful story, Gail!...Christine

  11. Hi Gail! That is such an amazing story, I guess some have heard it before, but I had not. How wonderful! And that the person remembered God's word and waited faithfully for it that's a model for me to follow!

    Happy Friday!

  12. Isn't God amazing?! I didn't realize you were doing a linky party! I'm going to add your button to my link up directory! Thanks Gail!

    1. Glad you found out about it, Sylvia. Tell your blogger friends : )

  13. This has me in tears Gail. God is amazing! Thankful He speaks and moves so powerfully. Going to apply this to my hurting heart. Thank you for more courage!

    Mama to 8
    One homemade and 7 adopted

  14. I don't want to be a contrarian, but would the Lord have continued to let those people die without Christ while waiting for an Englishman to come along? Could He not have just told them about Himself by Himself right then and there?

    1. Hi Sharon,
      Yes, God can do anything that He wants.

      But I see a great value in how He orchestrated this situation. He prepared the people in a special way. I think it was a very faith-building chain of events.

  15. I love this. I once heard about a missionary woman who was so sick, and she waited for a ship to come with supplies. She hoped a medicine would be include that would help. Instead, there was a large amount of oatmeal. Long story short, years later she found out oatmeal was exactly what she needed to help with her sickness. ... God is sovereign and He orchestrates the events that touch us with sovereign purpose. His "answer" may not be what we think we want at the time, but He is good and kind, and He knows what we need.

    1. Love the oatmeal story, Dawn.
      Years ago I read a missionary biography and I can't even remember which missionary, but he had something similar happen. At one point he was so poor that he had very little money for food. He got got a serious illness and after her recovered, a doctor told him that fasting was necessary for recovery of this particular disease. And he has fasted out of necessity! So God actually used his poverty for his good!

  16. I always felt that God, one way or other, had contacted people of all tribes and nations to prepare for the coming of the Word. Some, didn't understand, some ignored Him, while others responded the way He wanted. They waited, as the tribe in Africa did.
