
"Boring" Testimonies

Think God can't use your testimony because it's too boring? Think again. This 1-minute devotion will encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

My testimony is pretty boring.

But less dramatic testimonies are as important as dramatic onesThey prove that ordinary people need Jesus as much as drug addicts and criminals do.

That's why all of us should “prepare our minds” to share our testimony so we can be effective witnesses when opportunities arise (1 Peter 1:13; Ephesians 5:15-17).

Preparation doesn't replace the work of the Holy Spirit in evangelism, but it supports it.

Here's a suggestion:

1. Ask the Lord to help you write a 7-10 minute version of your salvation experience (approximately 1500-2000 words) and a 3-5 minute version (approximately 600-1000 words). 

You won't use either version word-for-word in an actual situation, but this preparation will help you share your story in a concise, understandable way.

2. Using an outline or notes, share your prepared testimony with your Christian family and friends.

3. Ask for their suggestions: Is it clear? Are there unnecessary details? Is there something you should add? How can you improve it?

Your story is part of God's story, and God wants you to share it with others. It deserves time, attention, and prayer.

With God's help, we can "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks" (1 Peter 3:15).

If you aren't ready to write a testimony now . . . no problem. Start praying that God will give you the wisdom and confidence you need to share your story with others who can be blessed by it.

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Think God can't use your testimony because it's too boring? Think again. This 1-minute devotion will encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Think God can't use your testimony because it's too boring? Think again. This 1-minute devotion will encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you, Gail. I should do this. My testimony is boring :-) too!!

  2. Thank you. This is a really great idea that we should all do. :) Blessings

  3. I really appreciate receiving this devotion today. I'm a small business owner and you have presented something in a manner that other business owners like myself would surely be attracted to. This challenge is almost arranged like developing an elevator speech/pitch but the results are even more powerful and effective for The Kingdom! Thank you and Happy New Year Gail!!

  4. Yes, I was just doing a study on the verse about being instant in season and out of season or when opportune or not.

  5. It is my understanding this is a way to begin to witness to others. Rather than try pushing Scriptures at them, simply share what the Lord has done for you. You are so right on Gail. God bless you.
