
Significant Insignificance

Life is filled with many mundane tasks. This 1-minute devotion talks about Doing the mundane for Christ. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Boring, mundane tasks...who needs them? 

Apparently, we do.

Faithfulness in small, "insignificant" things is pleasing to our Lord because it prepares us for bigger purposes (Luke 16:10). 

In Luke 17:5-10, Jesus explains that we need to be willing to do repetitive tasks without immediate rewards. In fact, He says we need to be aware of our unworthiness.

This contradicts popular self-esteem philosophies that tell us to establish our significance.

But Christians don't live to build our self-esteem. We live to build our God-esteem.

We aren't promised earthly rewards. We're promised heavenly rewards (Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

We may not find worldly significance, but we remain faithful because one day God will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).

Those words will make it all worthwhile.

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Life is filled with many mundane tasks. This 1-minute devotion talks about Doing the mundane for Christ. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Faithful in the little things.... Great post Gail
    God bless

  2. Thank you again, Gail, for another wonderful post to break up my tasks in the middle of the day :-)

  3. My job is a team work. And when I first started to work it was really baddering me that not everybody was doing a quality job, and I was struggling and getting upset so it was affecting my life. Until I realised this is not right, I'm not here to teach people how to work, I'm here to do my job and do it right. So i asked God to work on my attitude and Thank Him - He did. So now I enjoy working there, I'm doing my job as I would do it for the Lord and doesn't bother me what and how others work.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Julia. You've applied God's principle to your life and seen the blessing of it!
