
When You Feel Like Giving Up

When you feel like giving up, remember this Biblical truth and keep on keepin' on. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

“I quit!”   

Ever thought it? Said it? Done it?

I have.

Sometimes things just get so hard, so messy, so confusing. Sometimes it seems like God isn’t reigning in our lives, our circumstances, or our world. 

The psalmist Asaph expressed these feelings in Psalm 77, but he brought his thoughts back to God's faithfulness. 

And that's what I'm learning to do when I feel frustrated and discouraged.

I think of Jesus who faced rejection, injustice, and a horrible death. 

He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me.” 

But He didn't stop there. He went on to say: “Yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:41-44

I'm so glad He didn't quit because His rejection, injustice and death set me free from sin and death.

I’m so glad He offers this example to choose God's will, not my own (1 Peter 2:21-25).

Are you going through something that seems “impossible” right now?

Don’t quit.

Choose to do God's will. 

When you feel like giving up, remember this Biblical truth and keep on keepin' on. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail - Had to make that choice recently. Amazing how when you do, God gives you the strength to carry on. Great reminder
    God bless

    1. It's a reminder for me as well, Tracy. Always blessed to read your posts and your comments. : )

  2. You do not know how much I needed to read this today! Sometimes it seems like "life" happens all at once and then there is too much to think about. My brain is just not large enough to be able to handle all the thoughts, feelings, decisions, temptations, negativity all at once and I do feel like quitting. Thanks for the encouragement, Gail! Love your wisdom and insight!

    1. So glad this devotion met you where you are today, Brenda. I wrote it because I also need this reminder. Know what you mean. Bless you, dear friend.

  3. Man, I read that post at just the right time!

  4. I feel like this a lot! Thanks for the inspiring post! Thanks for linking up with us for Mommy Moments!

  5. This is so true, but it's not always easy to do.

  6. So encouraging! Good words for me to read this morning. Thank you for allowing God to guide your writing.

  7. Really needed this this morning - kitty ate onion which is poisonous for him, please pray for him!

    1. I pray that your cat will not be harmed by this. God bless you.

  8. This message came at the right time All Glory To God, I'm new to 1 minute Bible Love Notes, but I love theses messages so much already, Thank You and God Blessings to the publishers!!

  9. It is always a blessing to meet this article at the right time. I've found myself giving up but by this I now will not be there any longer.

    1. I'm so glad that this ministered to you!
      Hang in there, Jesus is with you.
