
What's Your Job Description?

God isn't impressed with our "job description." This 1-minute devotion explains our role in the Kingdom no matter what  kind of work we do for a living. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I’ve been a student, a missionary, a seminar speaker, a waitress, a store clerk, a freelance writer, a blogger, and a stay-at-home mom. 

And God was not impressed with one position any more than another.

What impresses God is our faithfulness to our primary “calling” to serve Christ wherever we are and whatever we do (Colossians 3:23).

Sometimes we make a huge mistake. We think that pastors and missionaries are the only “called” ones. But God has kingdom work for each of us. In every sphere of life--where we work and where we "play," God has important things for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

So let's approach today and every day with:  
  1. An awareness of God's presence.
  2. An ear that's listening for His gentle voice.
  3. A heart that embraces divine interruptions.
  4. A readiness to share Christ as opportunities arise.

    Each Christian is called to important kingdom service. So let’s look forward to God's active management of our time, resources and opportunities.
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    God isn't impressed with our "job description." This 1-minute devotion explains our role in the Kingdom no matter what  kind of work we do for a living. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

    Bible Love Notes


    1. I especially like this part of today's devotional:

      So let's approach today and every day with:
      An awareness of God's presence
      -An ear listening for His gentle voice
      -A heart that embraces divine interruptions
      -A readiness to share Christ as opportunities arise

      Thank you so much Gail.

      1. Thanks, Judith. I always appreciate your encouragement. Bless you, Gail

      2. And...thank you for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this week.

    2. I saw you on the better mom. Thanks for sharing this. We all have an important title whether its mom, teacher, or whatever. We're all called to
      do something for Christ.


    3. Thank you! I agree, though it's taken me a while to stop saying that I'm "just" a SAHM and to say it happily. Because I am happy to be doing this. :)

    4. Gail,

      I had a great epiphany during my days as a SAHM -- as I carried a casserole down the street to a sick neighbor, God reminded me of the opportunities he had given me to minster to each of my neighbors in different ways over the years because I was home, aware of what was going on in their lives, and sensitive. He helped me realize that I might be in a unique position to touch them in his name. It made me view being "sidelined" as I sometimes felt, in a whole different light. Thanks for posting on this topic :)

    5. Such a good reminder. I get so caught up in a day with the kids sometimes ...

    6. Absolutely right Gail ! Thank you for reminding me to be true to the calling first and foremost to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. What a blessing indeed.

      Gertrude @

    7. Great comments and reminder.
      Linking in from True Aim

    8. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for linking up at Mom's Library Link-Up. I am a new co-host and I'm glad to have found your blog!
      Be blessed and I hope to see you again Wednesday!
      Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk

    9. The awareness of God's presence will bring peace to the world.

      Job descriptions

    10. It is so easy to overlook this when we are doing the laundry or cooking meals. However, we can be doing the work of God when we have the right attitude and priorities. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library.

    11. I am so glad that you wrote this. It really spoke to my heart.

    12. Thank you for your REMINDER. Helps me REFOCUS as I walk through the daily distracting negativity the world throws at a person.
