
What's in a Name: Quiet (Heart) Time

This 1-minute challenges you to think about the name "Quiet Time" and asks you to give your opinion. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
Doesn't “Quiet Time” sound sort of like "nap time"?

I've used the phrase for years to describe time spent with the Lord, but I'm rebelling against it today (in a non-angry sort of way). 😊

Our time with the Lord is like: 
  • Snuggling on the couch with our husband and sharing our day.
  • Thanking our mom for her love, her help and her faith.
  • Sharing a problem with our best friend, knowing she’ll understand when no one else does.
It’s LIKE the things above, but it’s so much more. It’s:

  • Being ourselves without masks (Psalm 139).
  • Knowing God wants to hear from us (Psalm 27:8).
  • Seeking advice from the perfect Counselor (Psalm 25:5).
  • Spending time with the only being who is always loving, always good, always listening, always available (Psalm 103).
  • Receiving loving rebukes from our Lord who always knows what's best for us (Revelation 3:19).
I know it should involve listening and even periods of quiet, but surely there is a better name than “Quiet Time.

So here's my challenge: Let's rename it...let's each think of a name that better describes our time with the Lord, even if we keep using "Quiet Time" out of habit. And please share your idea with others in the comment section for this post.

I'm looking forward to reading your ideas.
Note: I'm enjoying reading the wonderful ideas for names so many of you have left in the comment section. Please keep it up! It's fun seeing how creative you all are!!

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This 1-minute challenges you to think about the name "Quiet Time" and asks you to give your opinion.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail - hmmmm, how about "R" and "R" time? refresh and renew? Great challenge
    God bless

  2. good morning!

    PERFECT time

    it's really hard to follow "R" & "R" !! that's really good!

    ^)^ linda

  3. Hello, greeting from the UK! Great post. I like the two posts above, or how about 'Soul time'? Love in Him, Eleanor

  4. Dear Gail, I love how you open up the doors of your blog for our feedback!
    See at work I have a lot of One on One meetings (1:1) with the formerly incarcerated who are trying to turn around their lives and get a job, with employers who are considering giving them an opportunity, with my supervisor, etc. I would could this one "My Most Important 1:1 Meeting"


  5. Our church calls this, "Breakfast with Jesus." I like it! And I do like breakfast at any time of the day as well...

  6. Hello Gail. Been following you for a while. Just love what you are doing
    I always call it my rendezvouz with Jesus. (Where we literally meet by arrangement) xoxo


  7. Good Evening Gail, Commenting by 'generator power' which is kind of like tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit. Hurricane Sandy blew our lights out on the first breeze!!

    My vote is to call my Quiet Time:

    Absolute Surrender Time as this is something I need to do daily.

    Have a wonderful week!!

  8. What a creative challenge--and these are such good ideas!I'm probably the odd one out here (grin--not unusual), but I still like "quiet time". It reminds me of Psalm 23 and the peace of being with the Shepherd. Blessings, Gin

    1. I like quiet time stills me, quiets me my soul and my mind from the NOISE of the world! It will always BE my quiet time ...even if I changed the wording to others. It's a quiet time of my soul....with Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

  9. This is a perfect challenge for me this week! Thanks for linking up for Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

  10. Great post. Since we are spending time with the about Time with Daddy. I see my Heavenly Father as Daddy. I love the saying anyone can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a Daddy.
    Thanks for sharing this.
    Have a Wonderfully Beautiful Week,

  11. Beautiful message!...Christine

  12. It may not sound very catchy, but for me it's my Triple-C Time: Conversation, Comfort, and Counsel.

    1. I think it's a great name for it, Jonathan!
      Thanks for sharing.

  13. An excellent challenge. I know that for a lot of parents, time dedicated to be spent with their children is of great importance and benefit to their relationship, so my suggestion is 'Father son/daughter time'. Love and blessings to all.

  14. Heart to Heart that's how I feel when I talk to God.

  15. I have always called it my (God & me time.)

  16. I've always called my time with the Lord (praying, reading, singing) as 'Time to feed my spirit'.

  17. How about, 'Time with my Forever Love' or 'Time with the King' Song of Solomon 2:4,Revelation:7-9.

  18. MIT (My Intimate Time) with God

  19. Hi Gail, after reading your post on "Quiet Time" my thoughts led me to the word "glow" time. G=gratitude, L=learning and listening, O=openess, W=worship. These are components of my time with Jesus

  20. Quiet Reflection Time: quiet reflection of the things that you have read in your Bible Study Time; what scripture stuck in your heart and mind, reflection on those and be blessed

  21. Hi Gail.
    I am from India.
    I think I would call it " Be Still" time.
    Cause sometimes even when I am reading the word of God or just meditating on what I have read I realize that suddenly my mind deviates from God and some thing like a problem, I am facing or a task that has to be done comes into my mind leaving me frustrated.
    That's the reason I think I would like to call it be still in the presence of God.

  22. I like Quiet time too, but, for me its also an Active time and a Special time with a Very Important Person. So, Why not calling it V.I.T. Very Important Time!

  23. How about reconnecting time. Its knowledge about the Love God have for me .

  24. I thought if a few:
    .Set Apart
    .His Time
    .Time for Him
    .Hallelujah Corner
    .Be Still and Know
    .Mercy Seat
    .Amen Corner (non golf related)
    .In His Prescence
    .Spirit Filled
    .Heart to Heart
    .Come unto Me
    .God It's Me Again
    .Just You and Me
    .Just As I Am
    .Prime Time
    .Ear I Am
    Thanks Gail this was fun!

  25. Dear Gai;
    .Set Apart
    .His Time
    .Time With Him
    .Hallelujah Corne
    .Be Stil And Know
    .Mercy Seat
    .Amen Corner (non golf related)
    .In His Prescence
    .Spirit Filled
    .Heart to Heart
    .Come Unto Me
    .God It's Me Again
    .You and me
    .Just As I Am
    .Safe In the Arms of Jesus
    Thanks Gail

  26. Hi! For me it is "heart to heart" time. I picture just me and my Lord at a little round table, our hands touching, our eyes locked in each other. I share my heart's joys and concerns and He fills me with His perspective, peace, joy and so much more. Then I feel ready to start the day knowing I can come back for another heart to heart anytime anywhere.

  27. Wow, all of these are so great and it sounds to me that everyone here has a personal and intimate relationship with the Father. This makes my heart glad.I would like to point out one thing we all should know and understand and be mindful of, anytime we do any of these things, we are boldly going before the throne with humble hearts and this brings us into His presence. Be very mindful that you are in the presence of God your Father, and give reverence. So I call it "In His Presence" to remind me that He IS GOD! ( Not shouting just excited ) Blessings to all.

  28. Hi Gail, my perspective is this,we should remember no matter what label we give it, we should be very mindful that this is a time where we have been allowed to come boldly before the throne of God but with humble hearts. This brings us into His presence and we should conduct ourselves accordingly. We should reverence being in His presence, after all HE IS GOD! So I call it "In His Presence" to remind me of Who He is and and Who I am to Him. Love and Blessings to all.

  29. I have called it my "time with Jesus" often enough that my husband will say, "We need to go get chicken feed, but after your time with Jesus."

  30. I can call it, Re- thinking time!

  31. I tell my kids it's my "time with Jesus" When I don't get it I start to get cranky.

  32. Hi, I love to call it, "divine time".

  33. Coffee and God - a Date with my Saviour
