
Does Timing Matter?

Don't let people "guilt" you into a morning quiet time unless that's what best fits your schedule. This 1-minute devotion explains why.

When I was a new Christian, I was taught that if I wanted to start my day in the Lord, I needed to have a morning quiet time as prescribed in the Psalms

But the psalms about morning prayer weren't commands, nor are these verses which talk about praying at different times throughout the day and night: Psalm 1:2; Psalm 4:4; Psalm 55:17; Psalm 119:148; Psalm 141:2; Acts 10:30. Scripture actually encourages us to pray all day long 1 Thessalonians 5:17!

When I was a busy mom with two toddlers, I had my quiet time during my children's naptime. At another stage of life, I shifted my quiet time to the evening after my kids were in bed. 

What works at one stage of our lives, doesn't always work at another. And what works for one person doesn't always work for another. 

Consistency is far more important than timing.  

If a morning quiet time is supposed to bless our day for the next 24 hours, an afternoon or evening quiet time should do the same. 

Let's not be superstitious about the timing.

I think it's important to start our day by acknowledging God and asking Him to guide us, but I recommend you have your quiet time at a time that best fits your schedule, personality, and stage of life. And if you're struggling to fit in a daily quiet time, ask God for wisdom. He'll help you because He wants to meet with you.

Bible Love Notes has an archive of 1-minute devotions devoted to helping you with your quiet time: Quiet Time Tips

Don't let people "guilt" you into a morning quiet time unless that's what best fits your schedule. This 1-minute devotion explains why.

Don't let people "guilt" you into a morning quiet time unless that's what best fits your schedule. This 1-minute devotion explains why.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail, as per usual, great advice.
    God bless

  2. If we are bored with our quiet time, God is. Sometimes we need to go for a walk ;)

    1. Marja, I went through a season when my quiet time was during my daily walks...I got spiritual exercise while I was getting physical exercise.
      : )

  3. Thanks for sharing. I don't really call mine quiet time. With 5 kids its hard to find quiet.I have the best moments with God when I'm doing my household chores.


    1. that's great...chore time is just as good as any other to focus on the Lord and have a chat.
      : )

  4. I used to try to be like others... doing what worked for them. But I have found over the years my needs and times for my quiet times vary. Lately, I am trying to be in constant fellowship with Him throughout my day. Whether it be when I wake up, fixing breakfast, folding clothes, on my way to work, at work, when things are hard, difficult, etc... I find that when I make an effort to choose to focus on Him instead of my circumstances, my days are better, and my burdens are lighter.

    1. Amen! It's really our goal as Christians to be in constant fellowship with Him.

  5. Thank you, Gail!!! I don't normally use that many exclamation points, but I have felt so guilty from so many different sources because I don't get up at 5:30 in the morning to spend an hour with the Lord. I've thought of blogging about it, but I've been afraid of the backlash. With a night-owl husband and six children, there's just no way it can happen like that at this point in life. I usually read my Bible after they're all started with school, and prayer truly is continual. I'm keeping your post in my file for when I need encouragement in the future.

    1. Dear Meghan, Just keep walking away from that guilt. God really did make each individual and each family unique. Bless you!

    2. Yes, Meghan, I felt the same way. Thanks, Gail, this helped. I just did a little prayer for creativity

    3. Felted the same way as the other gals. Glad I read this. Will keep praying to find the best time for me. Might just be when husband is watching sports or car shows.

  6. Amen sister. I've known the truth that you do not have to start in the morning... But somehow, the lies of Satan crept in and I started feeling guilty for not starting early.
    When I read the first sentence of this post, I realized the error I made. Thank you for laboring sister. God bless you.

  7. This was right on point, I am a new christian and trying to find a pattern of quiet time is not coming easy. I truly want God to be first in everything but then life gets in the way. I need to be more disciplined and just figure it out. If anyone has any advice I am open to them. Thank you!

    1. Any time talking to God is an excellent time. Whether in route to work or a business meeting or to meet with family, friends or foe, all times would cause God to smile as we make time to spend with Him. Two minutes or ten minutes is awesome to know that we are acknowledging God for daily direction. I choose to be relational, not religious.

  8. I feel like I am praying constantly. I call it my thought prayers when I am not praying aloud. Having God on my mind constantly is like breathing is to my lungs. How blessed we are to know we are so connected to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God bless you, Gail....
