
Continuing Education

This 1-minute devotion encourages us to continue our "education" in Christ and offers 3 steps for doing this. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
  • Good physicians keep updated on the latest research, medicines, and cures.
  • Good teachers learn about new methods and curriculum.
  • IT people keep up with the latest technology.
When I started blogging, I soon realized that I would have to continually self-educate to keep up with the ever-changing blogosphere.

However, an extensive survey of born-again Christians shows that “fewer than one in five (18%) claims to be ‘totally committed’ to engaging in personal spiritual development. Further evidence shows that among adults who claim to be Christian, just one out of every seven (14%) say that their relationship with God is the highest priority in their life.” (Barna, 2011)

We need to ask ourselves:
Are we being deliberate in our “continuing education” in spiritual things like:
  1. Study of God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15)
  2. Fellowship (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  3. Obedience (James 1:22-25)
Maturity never happens on its own.

Today I'm evaluating my plans for continuing spiritual education. Do you have a plan?
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This 1-minute devotion encourages us to continue our "education" in Christ and offers 3 steps for doing this. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail, Ooooh, you always ask the hard questions. Off to go do some plannning...
    God bless

  2. Wow. Excellent thought to start my day with. Thanks.Anna

  3. Yes, this comparison is too true!! We can get too busy to really search after God with all of our heart. Thank you Gail. It is always refreshing to read your posts. Have a wonderful day!!

  4. Love this! My favorite book is the Bible, really! And, you are so right...WE {as Christians} DO need to be more intentional about our spiritual growth.

  5. My church does a great job at this. They have 2 different classes each morning and small group studies during the week. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  6. What a great comparison. This is so very true!! We must learn to "continue" our spiritual education. What a great post!
