
Same Old Lies

Satan has been telling the same old lies since the beginning of time. This 1-minute devotion warns us against believing them. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Satan told Eve God was lying. The forbidden fruit would make her wise, not make her die (Genesis 3:1-5).

And Satan tells us the same lies. He tells us things God forbids are actually the good things in life. They won’t really harm us. 

And we believe him:
  • Professing Christian singles are just as likely to have sex as non-Christian singles. 
  • Professing Christians are just as likely to divorce as non-Christians.
  • Many Christians have the same life goals as their non-Christian neighbors.
Yes, most of us have convinced ourselves that pleasure, comfort and material possessions are the good things of life. We've ignored God’s warning:

“Do not love the world or anything in the world…The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:15-17

Help us, Lord, to quit listening to Satan’s lies!

Resource:A New Generation and Divorce

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"Did I Marry the Wrong Person?"

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Satan has been telling the same old lies since the beginning of time. This 1-minute devotion warns us against believing them.

Bible Love Notes


  1. So very true, thanks for sharing.

  2. This is so true. I have the hardest time with my kids. They think that being believers means the can't have fun anymore. It keeps them from fully surrendering.

  3. Replies
    1. And thank you for linking up with WholeHearted Home :-)

  4. Good words and absolute truth. Thanks for being bold. Jodi @

  5. Thank you for reminding me to continue listening to My Father. I believe Matthew 6:33 sets the tone for what should be priority; God first. Lists of goals and wishes are not a bad thing. I think we have to be careful of listing divorce as sin or not okay when The Word of God says it will happen. There are many justifiable reasons for a woman to have to permanantly leave her husband. God bless.

  6. Yes I have I confess. But Lord thank you for sending your only begotten Son to save us. I ask Forgiveness Lord for all my sins and for hurting any one else with my thoughtless actions. God forgive me for believing the lies of the devil. Lord help me from this moment forward to walk with you in your gift of Grace. Lord Jesus help me to be more like you and help me to not get swept away in the lists of my flesh. In Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name Amen Amen
