
Piece 'a Cake

You might be surprised at the encouragement in this 1-minute devotion because it deals with repeated trials in our lives! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

The young speaker described what he considered the worst trial of his life, a difficulty he’d encountered after his recent move. Having moved almost forty times, I’d experienced this trial numerous time.

“Piece 'a cake,” I thought. “I no longer consider that a trial, merely an inconvenience.”

Life is full of difficulties, pain and detours. And God uses them to develop our character because “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4).

If we refuse to accept trials, we miss the hope and maturity they bring. I know because I’ve done this at times. 

Thankfully, God keeps working with me when I resist.

And I'm coming to realize: “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).

Romans 5:3-4 and Hebrews 12:11 confirm and expand the truth found in Romans 8:28.

Are you going through a trial? Let God strengthen you through it and you might be able to say, "Piece 'a cake" to the next trial.
"The saying 'a piece of cake' means something that's simple to accomplish. If a school assignment is a piece of cake, it's so easy that you will barely have to think about it." (

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You might be surprised at the encouragement in this 1-minute devotion because it deals with repeated trials in our lives!

You might be surprised at the encouragement in this 1-minute devotion because it deals with repeated trials in our lives! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. This is so wonderful Gail. Thank you! I want this season we're in to be used to make us stronger for the next. What a godly, and holy outlook on suffering and hardship.

    1. Carly, I know you are going through some hard trials at a young age, and I know God will use them for your good in the coming years. But that doesn't mean they aren't painful right now. I'm saying a prayer for you and your husband's health as I write this. God bless you, Gail

  2. Agreed! God will not give us any trial or "inconvenience" that we could not bear. He is with us always. Your blog is very inspiring. Thank you :)

  3. Isn't that true that a trial the next time will be so much easier!!

    The cake really makes me want to bake it!! We should look ahead with anticipation like we do to eating that beautiful cake!!
