
A Biblical Warning from Inigo Montoya!

A famous actor realized his show was damaging people's minds. This 1-minute devotion explains God's solution.

“My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Mandy Patinkin became famous for this line in The Princess Bride. Then in 2005-2007, he starred in Criminal Minds, a successful television series about serial killers. 

When he quit Criminal Minds unexpectedly, he explained: “It was destroying my heart and my soul... I'm very disturbed by the fact that after a long day of work, this is what people go to watch to unwind - they watch horrible, misogynistic violent activity. It saddens me. There's so much else to do.” 

Television today is full of graphic, disturbing violence and glorified immorality. Such shows damage our hearts and souls, making us depressed and changing our understanding of right and wrong. 

Dwelling on vile things is never a good thing (Psalm 101:3). No wonder we are so often sad, discouraged, hopeless, angry, and confused!

We need to heed God's wise advice and fill our minds with things that are good, wholesome, and noble (Philippians 4:8). 

Resources: Creative Differences or Conscientious Objection? and  FoxNews
(1) I think it is interesting that an actor who doesn't consider himself a Christian still recognizes the danger of evil entertainment. 

Check out this 1-minute devotion about Popular Pornography such as Game of Thrones.

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A famous actor realized his show was damaging people's minds. This 1-minute devotion explains God's solution.

Bible Love Notes


  1. This is a super important message! A couple of months ago, I stopped watching the only two English speaking TV shows I've been watching online overseas the past year: "48 Hours" and "Dateline". My love of biographies had somehow taken me to the dark side of true stories of people murdering one another! That cannot be pleasing to the Lord.

    1. Tracey, I find that I have to continually reevaluate the things I watch. Sometimes they start out being okay but get worse as the show develops and sometimes I just use poor judgement. Thanks for your insights.

  2. I so agree! There are so many disturbing shows on TV. It's getting hard to find something that isn't, including the news! I can't watch these things because they just really hurt me when I see them.

    1. I find I'm more sensitive to tragedy and violence than some folks too, Robin. And I think that's actually a good thing because it keeps me from watching some things.

  3. Good for Mandy Patinkin! We don't watch television, and I am always shocked when I hear what's on now. It was horrible when we quit watching ten years ago. We need to please the Lord in ALL things.

  4. This is so true. How much better to read uplifting blogs like yours that point to Jesus!!

  5. It is always saddening to me to see what people around me (good people, Christian people, sometimes my own family members) choose to watch as entertainment. My heart is too tender to watch much of anything these days. Someone called me a Pollyanna when I said that I only watch shows with happy endings. "There's enough sadness in the world, " I said, "why import it?" Thanks for speaking up for purity and godliness, dear friend.

  6. New follower from True Aim Education linky!
    Enjoyed your post.
    Be blessed,

    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk

  7. So true! I remembered that line from Princess Bride and was wondering "what in the world" this has to do with anything… Very interesting how you put it all together! We garbaged the television many moons ago and keep to a weekend movie night in which we control the what the eyes view…

  8. Thanks for sharing with Thriving THursday. I read an article about him a while back and it was nice to read that some of those actors aren't completely numb to such things. Just like we shouldn't allow ourselves to be either.

  9. I agree. These shows get more gruesome and dark each year, trying to shock and awe people. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  10. I always wondered why he quit Criminal Minds--how interesting! I actually used to watch the show when he was on it, but had to stop because it was so disturbing. There is such little time and it should be used purposefully and I concluded that a show like that wasn't a good use of my time.

  11. watch Duck Dynasty...good clean family show...and they incorporate their faith in God in every more than one at first they just seem darned weird people...but they're genuine!

  12. I pray more people start to feel that way, and they probably actually do. Reality tv isn't much better. God created creative people. We can do better, if all children see is violence no wonder the world is the way it is.

  13. I am finding 1-Minute Bible Love Notes so reader/user-friendly. At 52 years old, I have been widowed nearly 2 years, and am wrestling with employment questions. I have a peculiar collection of life experiences and several skills, but none thus far have formed into work that produces adequate income. I am also an unpublished writer. Words, not numbers, are my strength, so the business of writing is a far reach for me. Thank you for 4 Ways to Discover Your God-Given Purposes, I Can't and this quote from Mandy Patinkin. Criminal Minds is one of many shows I cannot watch. I rarely watch the news. I am extraordinarily sensitive and easily affected by what I watch, read, hear. This is both a gift and a curse.
    Bible Love Notes zero in on Truth in such palatable form. Thank you for these little gems in the midst of my ever-complicated life.
    The TV is off, God's Word and my heart are open. Asking Him to help me know and obey His will, and to trust Him for all that I need to do so.
    Please keep those Bible Love Notes coming! This "seasoned" or "veteran" Christian is benefiting from them!

    1. I'm so glad that Bible Love Notes are encouraging your faith.
      May God bless your writing gifts for His purposes.

  14. I had to stop watching Criminal Minds too. Just like the criminals themselves, the producers of the show seemed to need to portray sicker and sicker subject matter. Maybe because the public became more and more numb to the evil poison? What started as an interest in what makes people do what they do had become a vexation to my spirit. I know God wants better for me.

  15. I loved that movie, and that guys line. I watch old movies off youtube where there is still decency, no swearing.

  16. May God bless you with good health, peace and happiness. You are spreading His Word.
