
Livin in Disneyland

Most of you reading this devotion are living in Disneyland compared to the rest of the world. We need to heed the words of Christ in Matthew 25. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy #Bible

Good Morning America featured a story about Princess Kate because she wears outfits more than once, a rare thing for someone with her wealth and position!

Rich and famous people don’t live like the rest of us. They have clothes closets as big as our houses and can spend our annual income on a single party.

But we need to keep this perspective:

Many of us who consider ourselves middle class are still "filthy rich" when compared with much of our world's population. 

What we consider "necessities" like clean water, heating, and electricity are rare luxuries in some countries. Compared to much of the world, it's like we're living in "Disneyland." 

Sadly, many of us complain about our luxuries instead of remembering that we are "royals" in a different kind of kingdom, the kingdom of God.

Our King Jesus wants us to show gratitude for what we have (1 Thessalonians 5:18). He certainly wants us to wear things more than once 😊 being good stewards of our blessings (Colossians 3:23). And He wants us to share with those who are in need:

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Jesus, Matthew 25:45(1)

Let's make serve Him well and make Him proud!

(1) I encourage you to read the full passage: Matthew 25:31-26.

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Most of you reading this devotion are living in Disneyland compared to the rest of the world. We need to heed the words of Christ in Matthew 25. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy #Bible


  1. Great point. We lose perspective so quickly don't we?

  2. We are rich in more ways than just that we are Americans. We are rich in God's mercy and grace because He cared enough for us to die on the cross for us.

    I think my three children will come back home from South Africa with a completely different perspective on life. They have all been to the Ukraine, but Africa has wealth unparalleled, yet the poor like they have not ever seen before.

    Gail, you have a wonderful day. You greet me every morning with a cheery Bible Love Note...thanks for the note this morning :-)

  3. So wise Gail!! We are so rich, so blessed, and as I've noticed in myself, so ungrateful :( Yesterday I went to order a milkshake for my husband and myself, and one of them was filled far below the rim. Instead of thinking, "Thank you Lord for the money to buy this treat, the car to get me here, a husband who will drink this with me..." I was snooty and ungrateful to be "robbed" of a few extra gulps of milkshake. UGH!

    I'm called to remember God's heart for those in true need-physcially and spiritually. And I"m obviously in desperate heart-need too and have so much to learn from those who are content with little.

  4. Hi Gail - yes and amen!!! It is often nec to remind myself how blessed I actually am. Great post
    God bless
