
Are You Hungry?

These thoughts about our need for both daily bread and daily Jesus will encourage you to "eat well" spiritually. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy

When Jesus said “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35 & 48), He was telling us something important about our needs and His provision.  

In Scripture, bread signifies daily nutrition (Matthew 6:11). 

We cannot function well if we're hungry and malnourished. 

And we cannot function well if we aren't daily "eating" the words of Scripture, spending time with Jesus in prayer and Bible study (Matthew 4:4). 

When we hunger for Jesus, seeking Him regularly, our spirits are sustained, energized, satisfied, nourished, and strengthened (Matthew 5:6).  

It’s appropriate that we thank God before meals for His provision for our bodies, but let’s also remember our spiritual hunger and thank Christ for the way He feeds our souls.  


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These thoughts about our need for both daily bread and "daily Jesus" will encourage you to "eat well" spiritually.

These thoughts about our need for both daily bread and daily Jesus will encourage you to "eat well" spiritually. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy


  1. I tried to share your post on Facebook and when I did it shared Anonymous comment and not your post! I had to delete it.

  2. I just wanted to thank you so much for inspiring me each week through Teagan's Travels' linky party. I am learning so much from your wonderful teaching! I'd love to feature you in next week's party. If you are interested could you send a picture and/or a blog button to include in the post to

    I'll send you five quick questions...but they are flexible. If there is something you want to highlight feel free to change them.

    Blessings, Michelle

  3. I love feasting on the daily bread of my Saviour each morning. It is what keeps me going throughout the day. What a great thing to concentrate at meal time - Jesus Nutrition.

  4. I am definitely not hungry tonight as I ate too much and drank too much ice-tea...but you made such a beautiful picture that makes me think that we should be as uncomfortably full spiritually after spending time with the Lord so that it carries us through our day. I will think of this when I satisfy my body with food as a reminder to eat spiritually.

    Thanks for linking up this week at Haven of Rest. I love the variety and creativity in your examples.

  5. The lessons are inspiring. Thanks a lot.
