
Why We Say "Amen!"

When we say "Amen" we usually don't think about the meaning. This 1-minute devotion shares a Scripture about Amen that will bless your soul! #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy

When doing ministry in Bulgaria, I asked a woman if she’d understood me. She shook her head side to side, so I began to explain again. 

But the interpreter stopped me. “She understood. In Bulgaria, shaking one’s head side to side means ‘yes.’”

It was important that I understood this difference. We all want our "yes" to be understood.

I thought of this when reading 1 Corinthians 1:18-20 where Paul says that when he says "yes," he means "yes." Then Paul explains that Jesus is God’s ultimate “Yes.” 

"For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding 'Yes!' And through Christ, our 'Amen' (which means 'Yes') ascends to God for his glory."

When we say “Amen,” we are saying "Yes" or "So be it." 

And when we read one of God's promises in Scripture, Christ is saying "Yes! So be it." 

Why not read through these promises and say "Amen" after each:
Psalm 9:9

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 41:10

John 8:36

1 John 1:9

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When we say "Amen" we usually don't think about the meaning. This 1-minute devotion shares a Scripture about Amen that will bless your soul!

When we say "Amen" we usually don't think about the meaning. This 1-minute devotion shares a Scripture about Amen that will bless your soul! #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy


  1. Amazing that the Bulgarian people would shake their heads from side to side to mean, 'yes.' I liked your connection to 1 Corinthians 1:18-20. I love the picture of the lady in the doorway. Your door pictures again :-)
