
Innocent or Not

When we lived at Ft. Leavenworth and met some of the prisoners at the maximum-security prison, I learned some interesting things about fallen human nature. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, is home to the Department of Defense maximum-security prison. 

When my husband was in the Army, we were stationed at Ft. Leavenworth twice. At that time, they had a rehab program allowing prisoners on good behavior to bag groceries at the commissary and attend some Christian women’s meetings at the post chapel. 

These men, who had all committed serious crimes, were accompanied by guards, but this didn’t keep the majority from telling us they were innocent whenever they had a chance. 

You and I can be the same way about our lesser “crimes,” and that’s why God says: 

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:8-9

Confession draws us closer to God because He esteems those who are humble and contrite (Isaiah 66:2). Today let’s ask God if there are any areas of our lives where we are fooling ourselves.
* I understand that they no longer allow prisoners these privileges.

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Why all the prisoners I met at When we lived at Ft. Leavenworth and met some of the prisoners at the maximum-security prison, I learned some interesting things about fallen human nature. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions


  1. I am enjoying your posts, thanks. :)

  2. that is so true. the trap that often leads me to fooling myself is the temptation to stare at a speck that bothers me in another's eye. when i do that, it sadly blurs my vision to the forest of huge logs in my own eye.

    headed over here as your new neighbor at shanda's OYHTs.
    thx for sharing,

  3. So true Gail! We are all sinful and guilty of sin. Sometimes we also say we are sorry regarding our sin when in fact we are only sorry we are caught and therefore sorry regarding the consequences! At work today, I was threatened by someone who just came out of jail a week ago. He asked where I lived and when I refused to tell him, he then said he was going to find out and break into my home! When I told him I'd have to report his threat, he backed off saying "Please don't - I'll go back inside!" He wasn't sorry for intimidating me - he was just sorry he had put himself in a position where he would be put back inside if I reported his threatening talk.

  4. Hello, I was actually one of the inmate grocery baggers you mentioned. I was in the USDB from 1990 - 1992. You are correct that many inmates said they were innocent. I was not one of those. I am currently blogging the rough draft to my book. It is about my experience in the DB as well as how God used that time to get my attention. If you are interested in what it was like inside, you can read about it here.

    1. I love stories of redemption. I will definitely take a look at site. Sounds very interesting.

  5. Thank you, I know many people have wondered what it was like to be in there as well. Looking forward to your devotions.
