
3 Stages of Pride

Beware of these signs of pride that affect every age and stage of life. Scriptural encouragement.

There are different types of pride: 
  • Pride of youth—in our 20’s and 30’s when we think we can do anything. Self-esteem proponents encourage this, but it’s destructive unless it’s based on diligence and skill. Just because we think we can do something doesn’t mean we can (Romans 12:3).
  • Pride of middle age—when we self-righteously take credit for our successes. But God doesn't praise us for success. He praises us for faithfulness (Matthew 25:21; 2 Corinthians 10:17-18).
  • Pride of age—when we think we are "good enough" and have no need to keep growing in our walk with the Lord so we get cranky, bitter, demanding, and selfish (Ephesians 4:20-24). 
We're prone toward pride at every stage, but God gives a solution:
    "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."


    I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons Why You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.
    Beware of these signs of pride that affect every age and stage of life. Scripture offers helpful insights.

    Beware of these signs of pride that affect every age and stage of life. Scripture offers helpful insights.

    Beware of these signs of pride that affect every age and stage of life. Scripture offers helpful insights.


    1. This is such an excellent comparison of the different types of pride. We always need to be on our guard against prides; so thank you for the reminder to guard my heart.

    2. Gail...simply put but so full of truth. Thank you for the encouragement today. Blessings.

    3. Hi Gail - I agree with the reader above, so simply put but so true. Humble yourself before the Lord. Great post
      God bless

    4. What a great description of how pride changes as it "matures". It's easy to think pride has left because our actions change, when in reality it only changed clothes. Thanks for identifying specific behaviors I can guard against.

    5. Pride Of Age right here. Although I, in no way, think that I am "good enough", the "cranky, bitter, demanding, and selfish" sure ring true. Every day I pray to GOD to help me to be the person that he intended me to be. Because of this pride problem, I tend to be both reactive and impulsive, rather than taking my time to think about my thoughts and actions and whether they accurately reflect my walk with GOD. You know who I remind myself of? In the comic strip Peanuts there is a character named Pigpen, and I feel like a figurative version of him before the Lord. I feel like a big, stinky mess of a person and that GOD just wants me to grab hold of a spiritual washcloth and clean my mess up. It's a life's work in progress, I can tell you that! :)

      1. Your honesty is the first step in repentance and moving forward. Bless you as God gives you strength and wisdom!

    6. Praise God for His grace and mercy. We need to be ever diligent in our walk with Him to give Him all our praise and glorify Him. Thank you for sharing this simple truth as Jesus would have done.
