
Most Popular Mystery Writer

Do you know the 3 Best-Selling Authors of all time? This 1-minute devotion answers that question. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Do you know who’s the bestselling author of all time? 


The Bible is first, the writings of Shakespeare second, but third place may surprise you.

It’s Agatha Christie. Starting in 1920, her mystery novels have sold more than 2 billion copies.

We love a good mystery, a ‘who-done-it?’, a story with a twist. But we don’t love mystery when it comes to God.

Why does He allow evil?(1) 

Why doesn’t He heal everyone?(2) 

How do man’s freewill and God’s sovereignty intersect?(3) 

Why did He answer her prayer and not mine?(3) 

We want to have Him all figured out.

But we never will! God is so much greater and more wonderful than we are. There will always be some mystery.  

We can, however, embrace and enjoy this mystery, knowing two things that God has made crystal clear: He is 100% good and He loves us! 

“The LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever.” Psalm 100:5
(1) See Why, God, Why?
(2) See Not All Promises in Scripture Are Fulfilled on Earth
(3) See Faith, Not Answers

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Do you know the 3 Best-Selling Authors of all time? This 1-minute devotion answers that question. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail. I was excited you stopped by to visit me at What Joy Is Mine. And this post is so right on that God is good all the time, even when things are difficult and have no reasons. By the way, my favorite Agatha Christie novel is Ten Little Indians...aka And Then There Were None. Thank you for a sweet reminder of God's goodness.

    1. My husband is the Agatha Christie reader, but I've seen lots of her novels when made into TV shows...and I've seen Ten Little Indians : )

  2. Gail I love your posts. Short, concise and to the point. I need to this more over in my neck of the woods. God is good and he loves us. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Gail - Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have to say I really enjoyed stopping by here today. I would have never guessed Christie was the third highest seller, but then again I have only read one of her books - I know, I know, I should have read more. What can I say there isn't enough time to read all the books you want!

    1. I have to admit I haven't read her books...I enjoy the plots and characters when I see them on TV (I think we've seen all the Inspecter Poirot shows ever made), but I usually don't read mysteries.

  4. Hi Gail! You found me through UBP 2012 and left a comment on my blog. I was recently nominated to receive the Liebster Blog Award and one of my requirements is to nominate 5 other bloggers and I chose you! Will you visit me again and check out the details? Good luck!


  5. Great post! I have not read her books either, but I do love a good suspense novel!

    In my own life, I have come to realize that I will NEVER know the mind of God. And that is okay with me! I just trust that He knows best, and He loves my family more than I do! Therefore, "Father knows best", right?!

    1. I think you'd like Agatha Christie if you like suspense novels. And you're so right...Father does know best. : )

  6. It so wonderful to come together and share our blessings and thankfulness
    that GOD allows us to have and enjoy !!! Stopping by from Multitude on Monday
    Have a great 1440 today and each day

  7. It is so true! He writes the very best plot twists ever!
