
Failed Again!

People respond different ways to failure. When you blow it, here's what the Bible says to do. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

God gave Adam and Eve everything, but they wanted more.

Before the flood, things grew worse. Everything mankind "thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil" (Genesis 6:5).

When God chose Israel, they repeatedly ignored His warnings, no matter how much He blessed them.

Even Paul said, “I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway” (Romans 7:19).

Do you ever feel this way? 

You’re determined not to yell at your kids. 

You commit to take off those extra pounds. 

You promise God you’ll spend more time in His Word. 

But you don’t follow through. 
    So what should you do? 

    Give up? 

    Decide it doesn't matter since you're forgiven?


    “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, [let’s] press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).

    If you’ve let God down, honestly confess your sin. Then start fresh today and give Him your best!  


    See also 8 Elements of Repentance and Restoration and I Blew It!

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    People respond different ways to failure. When you blow it, here's what the Bible says to do.

    People respond different ways to failure. When you blow it, here's what the Bible says to do. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


    1. HI Gail - I feel this way often. So grateful His mercies are new everyday!
      God bless

    2. Gail, thanks for these words of encouragement.

      1. So glad they encouraged you, Diana. I write things I need to hear myself : )

    3. Oh I raise my hand to this!!! I praise HIM that HIS mercies are new everyday!! I do my best no to beat myself up when I fail. Press on dear sisters!!!

    4. Great encouragement! I love that everyday is new in the Lord's eyes and that He is in the business of redemption! We can continue to push forward knowing we are walking in Jesus' steps! Thanks for stopping by my blog (and I've read yours before as well!) from UBP.

    5. Gail,
      You made me smile! Those have to be in my "Top Five Failures" list. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
      Just last night I commented on a blog, "Thank You, God, for next times." I'm sensing a theme :-)
      Appreciate your insight and encouragement.

      1. Well, my kids are grown, so #1 isn't on my top 5 anymore, but the other two are plus more : )

    6. It so wonderful to come together and share our blessings and thankfulness
      that GOD allows us to have and enjoy !!! Stopping by from Multitude on Monday
      Have a great 1440 today and each day

    7. Thank you for these encouraging words. I can't tell you how often I say, out loud, "I'm a failure." I wish I could stop, but it's hard. I need to memorize Philippians 3:13&14 and move forward toward my goal. :)

    8. Thank you, this is a daily struggle for me!

    9. I fail every day in some way, but His grace is sufficient for me!

    10. Much MUCH needed Gail. I had a conversation with my husband last night which was basically about how I wanted to give up. He said basically the same things you said here. Thanks :)

    11. We may want to, but I don't see anywhere in the Bible where God instructs us to give up. He wants us to yield to His will, but even that yielding is active work in Him. One foot in front of the other, no matter how slowly, is forward progress.
      Visiting from Beholding Glory

    12. Thank you Lord.. I won't give up!!!

    13. Thank you Lord for never forsaking us and always extending your grace and mercy. May we walk with you everyday allowing your Spirit to remove the hinderances that easily besets is.

    14. Thank you Lord, for your grace. Help me Lord, to reflect, confess and continue to do my best for u.
      In Jesus Name ,Amen

    15. Often I feel I failed God so badly that im ashamed to even ask forgiveness. Feeling unworthy of his love because I let him down time and time again.

      1. Randy,
        Shame is the right response to sin.
        When we are genuinely ashamed, we will genuinely repent and seek God's help in overcoming our sins.

        Sometimes we feel ashamed, but we want to keep sinning, so we don't genuinely repent. That's a more serious issue and we need to recognize that path and get back on the right path.

        So I encourage you to find an older Christian who can keep you accountable, someone who will pray for you and I encourage you to genuinely repent. God can and will forgive you. He promises to do so!!

        1 John 1:8-10: If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

      2. Randy, I wa ready to respond here when I saw what you wrote and I just felt I had to respond to this. I'm also struggling a bit now. However, you reminded me of many years ago, I felt what you mentioned... ashamed to even ask for forgiveness. For months I kept telling God, I'll come back to him when I fix myself. I was 22, I didn't have any Christian friends at the time or church. However, there was an AM radio station I listened to since shortly after I got saved at age 12. One day feeling tired and defeated, turned the radio on and crashed on the bed. When I hear someone saying... if you're waiting to fix yourself to go to God, don't... yes there was more to the message but the second he said "fix" it was like my words right back at me... that moment I realized I couldn't do it in my strength to "fix" myself, and took it to the Lord, repented, accepted his forgiveness and started anew. That's why when I read the verse above “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, [let’s] press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14) I realized that's what I need to do now too because years ago I disobeyed God and spent too much time being distant from my Savior. The reason why I instantly clicked on this article... it spoke to me. So go to God, reading the OT I realized how many times God forgave Israel, and he's ready to forgive us too. God bless.

      3. Gail, thank you. I read the verse Philippians 3:13-14 you had above and that just kind of settled my heart in what I need to do and forget what is behind, not live in the mistakes of my past which is what we know satan wants to constantly remind us of our failures. Thank you.
