
God Honors a Former Prostitute

God honored this prostitute in the most amazing honor she didn't realize until after her death. #BibleLovenotes #Bible #Rahab

Rahab the prostitute was a woman with a past, but also a woman with a future (Joshua 2,6).  

Her past life, pagan ways and pagan culture crumbled when the walls of her hometown, Jericho, fell.  

But Rahab chose to follow the true and living God, and her whole identity changed. She became a part of God's family, marrying the Israelite Salmon. 

But there is something even more significant about Rahab’s new identity, something recorded in God's Word hundreds of years after Rahab’s death:

When we read the genealogy of Christ in Matthew, Rahab is on that list--mother of Boaz (Ruth's godly husband), grandmother of King David!* But most remarkable of all, she is a mother in the lineage of Jesus Himself

Women were rarely mentioned in genealogies, but God wanted us to know that He is not ashamed to have this former prostitute in His family tree!

What made her part of God's family tree? The same thing that makes us a part of it: faith (Ephesians 2:8)!
* Since the type of genealogy used in Matthew uses "mother" and "father" loosely, skipping some generations, it's possible Rahab was a grandmother of Boaz. 

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God honored this prostitute in the most amazing honor she didn't realize until after her death. #BibleLovenotes #Bible #Rahab

God honored this prostitute in the most amazing honor she didn't realize until after her death. #BibleLovenotes #Bible #Rahab

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. I love this, God's ways are so different from ours. And He will often work in such a way that we'll know it can only be Him, so helping our faith in Him to grow.
