
Most Beautiful Woman In the World

Some Scriptural Advice about awards like "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World." a 1-minute devotion. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Beauty

Every year, People Magazine names “the most beautiful woman of the year.” 

"Most beautiful" is a boast any woman would like to make.

Unfortunately, our world values the beautiful, brilliant, and savvy far more than the faithful, honest, humble, pure or godly (1 John 2:15-17).

Jeremiah 9:23-24 says, "'Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the Lord."

Periodically I need to reassess my values. It's easy to get caught up in my culture's delight in beauty, fame and fortune. 

Will you join me today as I pray that God will align my values with His--that my boast will be in knowing the Lord and delighting in kindness, justice and righteousness? (Romans 12:2)
If you enjoyed this devotion, you might want to check out the full collection of 1-minute devotions about Inner Beauty.

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Some Scriptural Advice about awards like "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World." a 1-minute devotion. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Beauty

Bible Love Notes


  1. I am going to LOVE your blog!! I am your newest follower via GFC! Come over and take a look at me:

  2. Love your blog, and thanks for the reminder about inner beauty and Godly values. I, too, get caught up in the outer appearance some times. The work we do for the inside and the care we give to our bodies is what makes us beautiful!

  3. what a great thought for today!! may we allow God to grow our character so that everyday we grow to be more like Him! I am popping over from Bless a Blogger Friday (it's still Friday, right? Although on my side of the Great Pond it's already Saturday morning ). I pray that God's character is reflected in you more and more each day. Blessings from Zagreb.

  4. It is a wide chism between the standards of our world and the standards of God. It's always a great thing to be reminded. May we remember everytime we wish something was different about us. The true value is what God thinks. I'm a new follower and would love for you to follow me too. Blessings, Nona

  5. I thought about this very thing this week while coloring my hair, painting my toenails, and putting on my make-up. Sad but true. Thanks for linking up to Titus 2 Tuesday on Cornerstone Confessions.


  6. Gail...that scripture is a great reminder of what is truly important. Thank you for making it a part of our WJIM linky party. I am always encouraged when I come here.

  7. Great reminder to see godly qualities rather than worldly ones--its so easy to get sucked into that spiral though.

  8. This was such a thoughtful post!! This is such a good thing for any of us ladies remember. I want to have an inner beauty but it is too easy to get caught into making the outward my focus.

    Thanks for linking up with WholeHearted-Home Wednesdays at Haven of Rest. It is always pleasant to open the link and find your post, Gail.

  9. It's a good idea to reexamine ourselves from time to time, to make sure that our priorities are in line with God's Word. We get a lot of things thrown at us and it's on t.v. and online and everywhere.

    Thanks so much for linking up to the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party!
