
A Letter Defending Male and Female

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.
Note: This conversation is based on two professing Christians discussing this issue. If we are speaking directly to a person involved in this lifestyle, we must ask God's Spirit to guide us, speaking the truth in love with genuine concern for the person's soul.

The "conversation":
I received an email from a reader who was upset because I said transgenderism was not a biblical choice. 

I don't question this woman's sincerity or her passion, but I disagree with her conclusions and the methods she used to reach them. Sadly, her arguments are commonly used to defend culturally-accepted sins.

So let's examine some biblical responses.

✅ "Proof" in interviews: 

This woman claimed she’d done 16 years of “extensive research” and knew hundreds of Christian transgender people, none of whom believed changing genders was a sin. She said this proved that “God makes no mistakes.”

A biblical response: 

If you interview pedophiles, I'm sure you'd find that most of them believe they were meant to have sex with children. Many of them would claim that their choices are not sinful, simply part of their biological makeup.

If you interviewed people who believe in open marriages, you'd find that they believe they were designed for multiple sex partners based on their physical and emotional desires. 

But as Christians, we don't base our view of right and wrong on interviews or opinions—not even on majority opinion. We base it solely on God's Word. 

✅ "Proof" in children's beliefs:

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.
As further "proof," this woman said there are examples of children who’ve never even heard the term "transgender" but know at a very young age that they are supposed to be another sex. And she cited two studies to “prove” this.

A biblical response: 

Children can claim to be animals, princesses, and superheroes. And some insist these fantasies are reality. When my son was young, he went through a stage where he claimed to be Spider Man and he called me “Spider Man’s Mommy.” Children believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. They love fantasy and have trouble at times distinguishing it from reality. And they're easily misled because they don't have mature logic and reasoning skills.

We don't allow children to decide their bedtime or their diet, so why would we allow them to decide their gender? Good parents guide and direct their children according to God's Word. They don't let their children guide and direct them.

✅ "Proof" in studies and surveys: 

This woman noted that her points were confirmed in various studies. 

A biblical response:

You've cited studies to prove several of your points as if those studies are reliable sources of truth.

Did you know that most studies claim that pedophiles are born as pedophiles and cannot change? Other studies claim that all men are hard-wired to have sex with multiple partners.

Honestly, you can probably find a study to support just about any view you hold, and you can find studies that refute your views. It depends on what you are seeking. 

One of the most famous studies on human sexuality is the Kinsey Report. Kinsey used unscientific methods and based much of his findings on a man who abused hundreds of children and infants. Yet his study continues to be cited as authoritative.

But Christians don't need to worry about biased studies because we don't base our view of right and wrong on them. God is our designer. If a study disagrees with God's Word, we know it's wrong or irrelevant. 

✅ "Proof" in God's creation:

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.
Next this woman claimed that there are examples of transgender animals and fish which prove that transgenderism is part of God's design. She also cited children born with ambiguous genitalia and asked if I thought they were an "abomination." 

A biblical response:  

Christians believe that man is created in the image of God and set apart from animals who are not made in the image of God. Animal biology or behavior does not justify human biology or behavior.

Some male animals are designed by God to chase female animals when they're fertile, jump them, impregnate them, and run off, taking no responsibility for the baby animals. If animals justify human behavior, then we could conclude that God designed some men to rape women and abandon them. Surely you realize how many ridiculous comparisons could be made if we use animal design and behavior to justify human design and behavior.

As Christians, we know that God not only created us uniquely higher than animals, He also created our sexual identity from the moment of conception. As Scripture says, it is God who creates us in our mothers' wombs. He decides our gender. We don't. 

(See What the Bible Teaches About Transgenderism. And see the notes at bottom about physical effects of transitioning to another gender.)

You mentioned the extremely rare cases where someone is born without distinct genitalia (a birth defect), and you asked me if I thought these children were an abomination. 

Why would you compare a child born without normal genitalia to a person who purposely chooses to mutilate their normal genitalia? And why do you use the word "abomination" when I never used it in my statement? 

A birth defect is not a sin, and I have never heard a Christian call it one. I certainly never have.

But let me further highlight the absurdity of your comparison: If I said that God was opposed to people poking out their eyes, would you ask me if I thought babies born blind were an abomination to God? 

Your question is neither relevant nor fair-minded, which brings me to my next point.

✅ Bigotry: 

This woman ended her rebuttal by saying: “These individuals are not freaks. These people are not an embarrassment to the church. These people are not hated by God. These people are not to be feared. These people deserve the same amount of respect that you and I give/get.” 

And she added Proverbs 14:15: "The simple believe anything, but the intelligent give thought to their steps."

A biblical response:

It's becoming increasingly popular to misquote and twist the statements of Christians in order to misrepresent them. Perhaps the most common example is the way Christians are called "haters" even when they graciously and thoughtfully present God's commands, expressing genuine concern for those following lifestyles which God says are harmful.

That type of bigotry is evident in your quote.

Who said transgender people are "freaks"? I didn't. 

Who said they are "an embarrassment to the church"? I didn't. 

Who said they are "hated by God"? I didn't. 

Who said they should be feared and not given respect? I didn't.

It's unproductive and unfair to imply that people believe things they haven't expressed. It inspires animosity, and it's dishonest. 

(See Ad Hominem Disagreement.)

If my friend was making a sinful choice—no matter what choice it was—I would tell him he was sinning and God wanted him to turn from his sin. I would tell him that he was damaging his soul to continue in his sin. And I would tell him these things because I cared about his earthly and eternal life.

I wouldn't say he was a freak, an embarrassment, hated by God, or undeserving of human respect. And you know good and well that anyone who says such things does not represent Christianity.

I'm not denying that some claiming to be Christians have made unkind remarks, but they are a tiny extreme fringe. Stereotyping all Christians by the worst examples is no different than ethnic or racial bigotry.

✅ Conclusion:

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.
If it was up to you or me, we could decide what types of sexual behavior are "right" and "wrong." We could use interviews, surveys, and studies to come to our conclusions.

But that's not our job. God decides right and wrong, and He does it because He loves us and wants what's best for us. If we also want what's best for people, then we won't give in to societal pressures and public opinions that encourage damaging choices.

If you'd like to read the story of a man who surgically "became a woman" and later found Jesus, you can find "Walt's Story" at the end of this article I wrote: What the Bible Teaches About Transgenderism.

You ended your letter with Proverbs 14:15 implying that I had formulated an opinion about transgenderism without studying the facts. But I studied the most important fact: God's Word. So I will end with the verse following the one you quoted:

"The wise fear the LORD and shun evil...." Proverbs 14:16

Note: I am especially saddened by the dishonesty of transgender proponents. They claim "hormone blockers" simply give a child time to decide which sex he/she wants to be. But these drugs can cause serious side effects (source). To listen to a medical doctor completely destroy transgender arguments, see She Destroys Gender Ideology in 5 Minutes.
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Bible Love Notes

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.

Shall we form our opinions about right and wrong based on interviews, surveys, studies, and public opinion? This devotion explains that God decides right and wrong, not man.


  1. You did an excellent job of explaining the Christian point of view that most of us have. I don't know any true Christian who hates transgenders, or gays, or any sinner. We dislike their actions and pray that they see the truth.

  2. Thank you for your beautiful Christian in site into this. As always God's word is the firm and correct in site into anything that might be puzzling us.

  3. I thank God for your wisdom and ability to calmly and logically provide answers to all of those claims, no matter how ridiculous. The lengths that the common, mainstream deception has gone to is truly unreal. I pray that God helps us all to be wise enough to provide Godly answers as claims and questions arise, giving words that are fitly spoken ‘like apples of gold in pictures of silver.’ Thank you for your boldness and obedience to God, you are an example and inspiration to us all.❤️

  4. Amen and Amen - you did good Sister by the grace of God - perfect response and rebuttal.

  5. Thank you for such a wholesome and truthful answer to the letter..It is a very difficult time for Christians who believe in the truth of God's word. We do have to be led by the Holy Spirit when we are faced with such hatred because of our beliefs. I feel so very sad seeing the depths that people will go to justify they sinful behaviour. Thank you for doing so well.

  6. Amen. Thank you Gail for your biblical insight.


  8. Excellent writing, very well said. Only one point of encouragement; you need to include the message of the cross, the gospel which is "of first importance" (1 Corinthians 15:1-5). There is a reason why, when dealing with the immature and sexually impure in Corinth, he said, "I have resolved to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

    So for example, you write:

    "If my friend was making a sinful choice—no matter what choice it was—I would tell him he was sinning and God wanted him to turn from his sin. I would tell him that he was damaging his soul to continue in his sin. And I would tell him these things because I cared about his earthly and eternal life."

    If this is all you tell him you have not won his heart to Jesus, you've merely condemned his behavior. You've left out the message of first importance, in other words, the main point.

    Why not rather say: "Look at Jesus for a minute. Do you see Him suffering for you on the cross out of love? Taking your sin away from you and dying to pay for it? See His wounds? Those are given to heal you. And do you see Him being buried in the grave? That is to remove your sin from you and bury it in the ground. And His resurrection on the third day is to justify you before God. If you believe this powerful message, now turn from sin and follow Him who loved you to death and back, and just watch how His love will begin transforming you."

    You are still speaking the truth in love, but you're focusing on the gospel which is the power of God both for salvation (Romans 1:16-17) and for sanctification (for us who are "being saved"- 1 Corinthians 1:18).

    1. Yes, Mike that is essential. Without Christ, we have no hope of forgiveness or redemption.

  9. Thank u Gail. VERY astute n insightful.

  10. Thank you Gail for this most powerful explanation. May God bless you abundantly.

  11. Thank u Gail. This one is definitely going in my BLNotes archive collection.

  12. Amen. Thank you Gail. Very well said.
