
3 Results of Prayer

A short series addressing 3 biblical responses to prayer. Be Encouraged!

This series of 4 devotions addresses 3 things that can happen when we pray about something or someone. I pray it is encouraging to you and to your prayer life.


1. When to Pray and When to Act.

This 1-minute devotion introduces our subject and briefly explains the 3 results of our prayers. 



2. "Only" Prayer

This 1-minute devotion explains the importance of prayer when there's nothing else you can do!



3. Waiting "Constructively"

Sometimes when we pray, God tells us to wait. This devotion explains how we can wait "constructively."



4. More than Prayer

This devotion encourages us to discern when we need to do more than pray.



A short series addressing 3 biblical responses to prayer. Be Encouraged!

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