

a collection of 1-minute devotions taken from the Book of Jeremiah. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Jeremiah

These devotions are based on different passages in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a prophet during a time of great apostasy and deception, much like our own times.


Choosing the Ancient Paths

Jeremiah warns us to take the "ancient paths." This 1-minute devotion explains what that means to us today. 


Have We Forgotten How to Blush? 

Jeremiah 6:15 says something very important about our ability to BLUSH. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Seek God Wholeheartedly 

Psalm 119 tells us to wholeheartedly seek God. But do we really understand what this means? Jeremiah 29:11 is our motivation.

Cut and Paste Christianity 

There's a serious trend in Christianity today, and it might be called "Cut and Paste" Bible study. It is illustrated in the life of Jeremiah. 

Nothing is Too Difficult for God

We tend to underestimate God. Even Moses did it. This 1-minute devotion explains 

Kindness, Justice, Righteousness

  Jeremiah 9:23-24 explains 3 Non-Negotiable Aspects of God’s Character.


Jeremiah 29:11: Misused and Misunderstood 

It's a wonderful, encouraging verse, but it doesn't mean what most folks think it means. This 1-minute devotion explains.



High Five, Jeremiah! 

This 1-minute devotion explains why I want to give Jeremiah a high five when I get to heaven. Do you agree?



Living in the Midst of Deception 

Jeremiah lived "in the midst of deception." He remained faithful by following these 4 Biblical Principles.



Why Smooth Paths are Not Necessarily Good Paths

 We think that what we want most is a smooth path through life, but God offers us something better. This 1-miniute devotion explains. 


Have You Been Silenced by Culture? 

Are you being silenced by Increasing opposition to God’s Word? This 1-minute devotion addresses that problem.



Full Closets 

Some thoughts about "full closets" and what they can tell us about ourselves and our relationship with God. 

There’s No Such Thing as a Moral Majority 

There's no such thing as a "Moral Majority" and we are wise to realize this truth and take courage from past Saints. This 1-minute devotion explains. 



Why Some Sins are “Double Sins” 

Sometimes sins are double trouble for us. Jeremiah 2:13 explains this concept. 


God-Approved Boasting 

Did you know that God wants us to BOAST about something in particular? This 1-minute devotion explains. 


Jeremiah 29:13: A Wonderful Promise 

Jeremiah 29:11 might just be one of the most popular Scriptures in modern culture. But how many of you know Jeremiah 29:13. It's a wonderful promise. 


A Story of a Pagan Culture and “Impossible” Odds 

If you think it's impossible for someone from a pagan culture to find Jesus, this 1-minute devotion will encourage you. 


Dear Christians, Our Race is Getting Faster and Harder 

When Jeremiah Complained about the difficulty of serving God, God said the most incredible thing to Jeremiah! This 1-minute devotion explains. 


Jeremiah’s Boast 

Do you know why Jeremiah is called the "Weeping Prophet"? This 1-minute devotion explains his faith and frustrations.




Celebrity, Acquaintance, or Confidant 

An encounter with a celebrity led to the thoughts in this 1-minute devotion about our relationship with Jesus.



Paul’s Boast 

The Apostle Paul and the prophet Jeremiah exhibited 4 important qualities that helped them stand firm in trying times. This 1-minute devotion explains. 


Even When No One Listens 

In Jeremiah 40, the prophet Jeremiah makes a difficult choice that illustrates words of Jesus. Let Jeremiah's choice impact your choices.


a collection of 1-minute devotions taken from the Book of Jeremiah.

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