
Are You His Servant or is He Yours?

When the blind man was healed in John 9, his neighbors wanted to know more about Christ. But we need to recognize that some of them did so selfishly.

Weird Question, we talked about the disciples' question about the man born blind. In When the Mud Fell from His Eyes, we talked about Jesus healing the blind man. The next section, John 9:8-12, tells us about the immediate results of his healing.   

Seeing the world for the first time, the man returns to his neighborhood. People look at him and ask, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” 

Imagine their shock and excitement when he explained his healing. They wanted to find Jesus and learn more. 

We sometimes think that Jesus healed and fed people simply to serve them, but the main purpose of His signs and wonders was to prove He's the Messiah who can heal our souls (Acts 2:22). 

I imagine most of the blind man’s neighbors searched for Jesus to find out more, and some probably became Christians. But we also know that many people who followed Christ simply did so for personal benefit. They wanted to be healed but they didn't want to commit their lives to Christ.

In John 6:26, Jesus pointed out that many of the 5000 He fed, followed Him selfishly, simply hoping for a free meal.  

Even after we've asked Christ to be our Lord, we can slip into this selfish mindset. It's good from time to time to examine ourselves and ask if we're focused on how we can serve our Lord or focused on how He can serve us. 

Let's never forget that He's prepared specific things for each of us to do (Ephesians 2:10).


For more insights on this subject, see 5 Productive Projects for Christians and Why We Are Clay Jars.

If you own Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or reread Day 82 for further insights.

If you haven't purchased Wisdom for Life, check out the sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.


When the blind man was healed in John 9, his neighbors wanted to know more about Christ. But we need to recognize that some of them did so selfishly.

When the blind man was healed in John 9, his neighbors wanted to know more about Christ. But we need to recognize that some of them did so selfishly.

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