
6 Bible Truths Explaining God's Involvement in Our Suffering

This devotion offers 6 Bible truths to explain why we suffer here on earth.

When I wrote An Old Blue Book and the Best Book in History, I thought the wording in the old book might be misunderstood. 

This is the text I want to discuss: “God Makes No Mistakes. If God sends you tribulation…you can be patient under it because you know God means the best for you.… God makes no mistakes in the chastening tribulation which he sends to us.… It shall work out the peaceable fruit of righteousness.” 

This wording might make us ask, Does God cause our problems?” And I'd like to answer that question with these six Bible truths.

1. Sometimes we cause our problems and we suffer consequences. God also may discipline us when we sin, wanting us to repent and restore our relationship with Him (Revelation 3:19).

2. Sometimes we suffer from other people's sinful behavior. God doesn't cause this suffering (James 1:13-15), but He allows it.

3. Sometimes we suffer from our fallen world. Christ has overcome evil in the legal and eternal sense, but He tells us to expect trouble in our earthly lives (John 16:33).

4. When suffering confuses us, we can trust God with our unanswered questions (1 Corinthians 13:12).

5. God's comfort is always available (2 Corinthians 1:2-5).

6. God uses difficulties for our good, refining and strengthening our faith (Romans 8:28; 1 Peter 1:3-7).  

Hebrews 12:1-13 is a helpful passage about handling earthly difficulties. It encourages us to keep our focus on our Lord who suffered for us.


For more encouragement in your suffering, see Reflections on Suffering Start Here and God Uses Bad People.

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
💙 And please check out the Bible Love Notes devotional 
Wisdom for Life. It features one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs and is on sale at reduced prices on LifewayAmazon, and CBD 

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This devotion offers 6 Bible truths to explain why we suffer here on earth.

This devotion offers 6 Bible truths to explain why we suffer here on earth.

This devotion offers 6 Bible truths to explain why we suffer here on earth.


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