
Don't Head into Battle Without Reflecting on This Truth

When things get tough in our walk with the Lord, we need to take time to reflect on this truth...

As you know when you read Bible Love Notes, God has laid a number of heavy concerns on my heart. But I never want to forget the beauty and joy I find in my faith in Christ, and I hope the heavy subjects I share won’t cause you to do that either. 

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

When dealing with a hostile culture and other difficulties, we need to remember God's love and care (Psalm 103:1-2). 

Christians are facing many challenges that we didn't have to deal with 10–20 years ago, but our perseverance in this battle is worth the effort. We aren’t simply defending a human philosophy or preference. We’re defending the gospel of the only true God (Jude 3). 

Our God is just, holy, and pure. He won’t overlook sin or customize the gospel to fit culture. But He loves His children. 

He brings justified wrath on those who reject Him, but He saves, forgives, and comforts those who seek Him.

He placed us in this difficult time in history, but He gives us His Spirit to warn, guide, and assure us. 

We need to be prepared for action, aware of the battle, and clothed in our full armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). But we also need to take time each day to reflect on God's love for us. 

💙 Take some time today to do that! 💙

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Great Devotional!

When things get tough in our walk with the Lord, we need to take time to reflect on this truth...

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail as you have said before, we were made for such a time as this. As you know times are hard and will get harder but as of right now we aren't to the point of evil as in the times of Noah. We still have a remnant of believers. I can't imagine what it will be for new believers after the rapture.

    One thing I would like to suggest is when you think of the armor that you should include verse 18. Without prayer the armor is worthless. Without talking to our commander and chief how will we know how to fight? I read someone's take on this, praying at all times is an attitude more than an action. Listening to worship music is a good way to lift our hearts and it also annoys demons. Listening to podcasts or even listening to the Bible being read to us. It fills our minds and leaves less room for doubt and discouragement. It let's our commander instruct us as we are assaulting the gates of hell, fighting in HIS strength.

    1. Good points, Glen.
      Verse 18 is an important part of that passage as well! I will add it.
      And I appreciate your other suggestions as well. Yes, listening to worship music and good teaching is a good way to prepare our minds for the battle. And listening to Scripture on tape was something I did years ago, but I haven't for a while. Another good reminder.
