
The Biblical View of Physical Healing

A series of short devotions addressing the subject of Healing.

Saturday Collection for June:

There are many contradictory teachings about healing. This series addresses healing by looking at the full counsel of God's Word.

#1: Did Christ Link All Healing to Faith?

This article reveals the contradictions and misunderstandings associated with the false doctrine that anyone with faith will be healed.

 #2: Is Healing an Earthly Promise?

Some people teach that Christ promises healing to everyone who has faith. This devotion shares what Scripture teaches. 


#3: Does James 5 Promise Healing?

James 5 seems to promise healing to all who ask in faith. However, it must be combined with the rest of Scripture to be fully understood. This short devotion explains. 


#4: Why Many Faithful People are Not Healed.

People who teach that everyone with faith will be healed miss the most obvious evidence against their belief. This Bible study explains

A Message About Healing

Healing is a complex issue, and this 1-minute devotion contains an important passage that is often overlooked.


The Power and the Limit of Words 

There is a misunderstanding regarding Proverbs 18:21 that has created a false teaching in the Church. This 1-minute devotion explains. 


Heavenly Promises Versus Earthly Promises 

Beware of the way false teachings place promises about healing into the wrong time frame. 


Does Faith Heal Us? 

There are many false teachings about healing that leave people feeling guilty. Study all Scripture teaches! 

Accurately Understanding Healing 

Christians must be aware of the biblical teaching on healing so they are not taken in my false teachings. This 1-minute devotion offers the basis and provides resources for further study. 


Endured or Cured 

If all Christians were healed of physical illness, we'd miss a great deal of testimony about God's faithfulness. This 1-minute devotion explains. 


Misunderstandings About the Stripes of Jesus 

Many people misunderstand the phrase "by His stripes we are healed." This 1-minut devotion explains it using multiple Scriptures. 


A series of 1-minute devotions covering the subject of physical Healing.

A series of 1-minute devotions covering the subject of physical Healing.

A series of 1-minute devotions covering the subject of physical Healing.

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