
Why the "Judge-Not" Teaching Is So Popular

This short devotion explains 4 Reasons the false "Judge-Not" teaching is so popular.

I’ve written scores of devotions exposing the false “judge-not” teachings, and I admit that sometimes I feel like I'm fighting a lost cause.

It’s a rare week when I don’t hear a Christian say: It’s not our place to judge; it’s our place to love. Or It’s God’s place to judge, not ours.

Why has this “judge-not” teaching become so popular when it’s based on pulling a single phrase out of context to create a false doctrine that contradicts hundreds of other Scriptures? And why is it so hard for us to understand that there's nothing loving about remaining silent while people ruin their souls?

Let me offer a few reasons the "judge-not" error has become so popular: 

1. Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers, and even though they don’t believe Scripture, they promote the judge-not lie to silence Christians. See 2 Corinthians 4:4.

2. Some believers use this false teaching so they can avoid unpopular biblical truths and make their lives easier. See Matthew 24:11-13.

3. Some believers have no clue what the Bible actually teaches, and they’ve bought into the judge-not lie out of ignorance. See Hebrews 5:11-14.

4. Some believers want to share God’s truths, but they’re tired of getting beat up by the judge-not criticism. See 1 Peter 3:13-14.

Dear remnant believers, let's not let anyone keep us from sharing God’s loving, life-giving truths, which include warnings about popular sins (Ephesians 5:1-17). 


See How, Who, and What to Judge According to Scripture for the full picture of judging. 

See Biblical Judgement: 5 Errors which addresses the wrong ways to judge. 

See Did Jesus Come to Judge to understand what seems like a contradiction between John 3:17 and John 9:39. 

And to gain a solid biblical foundation in this area, why not read the Judging Biblically Collection which contains over thirty devotions. In fact, why not read through them with a friend or with your small group. It’s an important area for Christians to explore biblically. 
This short devotion explains 4 Reasons the false "Judge-Not" teaching is so popular.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Some Christian don't heed to the word God.

  2. Hi Gail,
    May I ask for your thoughts on what to do about a family situation in my life? I'd like godly counsel but I do not want to ask without checking in if that's okay.

    1. Hi Liz, I can share what Scripture says about specific questions relating to your family situation, but I recommend that you find a godly older woman in your area, hopefully from a Bible-believing church, who can specifically guide you, pray with you, and meet with your regularly.
