
We Need It: Trust

This devotion explains the importance of Trust in our relationship with the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6 is probably one of the most quoted Bible verses—with good reason.

It’s a concise explanation of a healthy relationship with God. 

The world tells us to trust our hearts, trust our feelings, trust our intellect, trust our circumstances, or trust some human authority. 

But Proverbs 3:5-6 says something different: 

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” 

Trust in who? The Lord. 

How? Wholeheartedly.

What should we refuse to trust? Our human understanding. 

What does trust involve? Submission/acknowledgment/seeking (NIV/KJV/NLT). 

And what are the results? God’s guidance in all that we do. 

That’s true faith in a nutshell: Trusting God. 

Whether we’re facing a life change, a new challenge, an ongoing difficulty, or an incredible blessing, we should ask ourselves: 

?? Am I trusting God wholeheartedly in this situation or am I trusting my human understanding? 

?? Am I proving my trust by submitting to God’s will, acknowledging His presence, and seeking His wisdom? 

When we trust God, we can be confident that God will guide us on His path. 


When we’re tempted to trust our human wisdom, let’s remember 1 Corinthians 1:18-31When we lose our peace, let’s remember Isaiah 26:3. When we feel pressured to please men instead of trusting God, let’s remember Proverbs 29:25.

You might want to read Jeremiah's Boast to gain inspiration from a prophet who trusted God in the midst of great challenges.

If you own Wisdom for Life, read or reread Day 30 for additional insights regarding trust. If you don't own Wisdom for Life, why not buy a copy? It's on sale for half price on Lifeway.

This devotion explains the importance of Trust in our relationship with the Lord.

Bible Love Notes

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