
Entertainment is Teaching Children to Mock God

Beware of the ways entertainment is teaching children to mock God.

Looking through a list of holiday movies, I was pleased to see so many that were for “all” audiences, which means they don’t contain anything you wouldn't want a young child to watch…or so I thought. 

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Then I saw one described as a gay romance that also claimed it was for 
“all” audiences. 

Growing up in the 50s and 60s there was only network television, but networks policed themselves, refusing all profanity, immoral sex, drug use, explicit violence, etc. In fact, there was a time when “bedroom scenes” between actors playing husband and wife required twin beds! There was never a hint of any gay sex, which was considered a perversion by secular audiences as well as Christians.* 

So what happened to us? Why does our culture now think it’s perfectly fine for young children to watch a movie promoting a sexual lifestyle God describes as sinful, shameful, and unnatural—a lifestyle that sends people to Hell (Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)?  

We aren't encouraging children to accept theft or drug addiction, but it's perfectly fine for them to accept lifestyles that mock God as Creator. 

This is the culture we live in, dear Christians, and we can no longer remain silent. 

As Christian parents and grandparents, we have a special responsibility to keep our children from the anti-God indoctrination they get in education and entertainment. Protecting, training, and deprograming our children is critically important (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Psalm 78:4; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4).


* “Throughout the 50s and 60s, a series of rules called The Hayes Code kept everyone on television in line…and out of bed. The rules stated that any married couple seen on television in bed had to be in two separate beds.… The Hayes Code specifically stipulated that if the couple were to share a bed, at least one member of the couple had to have his foot firmly planted on the floor.” (source)

If you own Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or re-read Day 40. If you don't own Wisdom for Life, it's currently featured for half-price on Lifeway

Beware of the ways entertainment is teaching children to mock God.

Bible Love Notes

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