
Why Too Much of a Good Thing is a Bad Thing

Scripture warns us about avoiding too much of a good thing using an interesting analogy. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Throughout the Old Testament, honey symbolizes good things. 

The Promised Land was called the land of milk and honey. Gracious words, God’s Word, and the lips of a bride to her bridegroom are compared to honey (Exodus 3:8; Proverbs 16:24; Psalm 19:9-10; Song of Solomon 4:11).

But Scripture warns: 

“Do you like honey? Don’t eat too much, or it will make you sick!” Proverbs 25:16 

“It’s not good to eat too much honey, and it’s not good to seek honors for yourself.” Proverbs 25:27 

I love how God uses analogies to help us understand spiritual matters. 

Honey is extremely sweet, 25% sweeter than sugar. Just as a recipe can be damaged by too much honey, our overall well-being can be damaged by too much of anything that focuses on our pleasure and desires over and above God’s desires: too much vacation, television, sports, money, free time, praise, etc.(1) 

God gives us good things to enjoy, but concentrating on those things makes us spiritually weak. 

Scripture warns us about avoiding too much of a good thing using an interesting analogy. This 1-minute devotion explains.We’re called to deny ourselves and generously give time, resources, and prayers for God’s Kingdom (Luke 9:23; Matthew 6:19-21). So let’s evaluate our lives today, dear Christians, and ask God if we are doing that.


God gives us so many wonderful food analogies in Scripture. And I've also found food analogies helpful in explaining concepts in my devotions. Why not check out the collection called Food for Thought. It features Scriptures about food as well as 1-minute devotions which include a food theme. For example: Dark Chocolate Bible and My Compliments to the Ultimate Candy-Maker (God). 😊

(1) There is one good thing we can never get enough of: we can't get too much of God! 


Bible Love Notes

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