
Analyzing Cultural Changes: Preparing for Persecution

It's time for Christians to wake up to the signs around us. We must prepare our hearts for increasing persecution.

Christian persecution is increasing all over the world, even in the Americas and Europe where we previously enjoyed freedom. 

Immoral lifestyles are presented positively by entertainment and government, and Christians are often presented negatively, unfairly tying us to bigotry, hate, and stupidity.

Throughout culture, there is a growing movement to protect the speech of certain groups but limit and sometimes censure the speech of Christians.

If we think that these things are simply coincidental, we're wrong. Canada has enacted laws that make it illegal for Christians to speak God's truth about LGBTQ issues, even if church members voluntarily request their help. And similar laws are being proposed in other areas of the world. (Source about Canada).

Fake believers are rejecting Scripture (1 John 2:19). But as genuine believers, we will not compromise our values or be pressured to stop sharing Bible truths. We understand that "everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Timothy 3:12). 

With these thoughts in mind, take a look at Matthew 10:16:

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” 

Let's heed this warning and prepare biblically for greater persecution. I'll be sharing more on Matthew 10:16 in upcoming devotions.


For a thought-provoking devotion with a "question to ponder" at the end, see Intolerance Toward Christians.  

It's time for Christians to wake up to the signs around us. We must prepare our hearts for increasing persecution.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Give me an exampkle of a immoral lifestyle that is being portrayed as positive. Don't just BROADLY say immoral lifestyles. Do you mean Sexual orientation that Exodus International said cannot be changed? Are you one of the many evangelicals who ignores science and doesn't dig really deep what was said in Scriptures?

    1. Hi Terry,
      First, let me say that the rudeness of your comment is typically a reflection of a closed mind. If you have something to day that disagrees with this devotion, that's totally appropriate, whether you are correct or not. We can learn from open, honest discussion.

      But when you start out condescending demands and end with personal attacks of my character, you prove you aren't really interested in hearing anything that disagrees with your view point.

      I don't feel there is anything I could say that would change your mind, but for the benefit of other readers who might be open, I'll answer.

      You start by saying “Give me an exampkle of a immoral lifestyle that is being portrayed as positive. Don't just BROADLY say immoral lifestyles.”

      You are offended that I haven’t specifically mentioned each immoral lifestyle presented positively by our culture? Is this because you feel our culture correctly represents morality? There are so many examples, I don’t know where to start: The popular celebrities in our culture are rarely people of honesty, integrity, self-denial, humility, purity, and faithfulness. The popular humor in sitcoms based is rarely based on wholesome themes. The presentation of moral values in entertainment rarely encourages us to live godly, unselfish, humble lives.

      I have no problem broadly stating that our culture portrays immoral lifestyles in positive ways.
      But let’s get down to your real beef which is the specific lifestyle I did mention in regard to the Canadian law: homosexuality. God’s Word has many passages warning against homosexuality because He loves us, He designed us, and he knows what damages men’s hearts, minds, and souls.

      1 Corinthians 6:9-11: Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

      This passage specifically mentions homosexuals who were changed. You believe Exodus International. I believe God.

      In response to your final rude, judgmental, question: “Are you one of the many evangelicals who ignores science and doesn't dig really deep what was said in Scriptures?”

      I am an evangelical who believes that God can change anyone with a lifestyle that violates His commands. And I believe that because He has changed my heart, my mind, and my lifestyle. I wasn’t a homosexual, but neither did I have the right attitudes or lifestyle of a believer when He saved my soul. I know the power and beauty and wonder of His love that changed me, and I know it can change anyone who wants to be changed. But it’s not just my personal opinion or the opinion of some organization. It’s God’s Word.

      Science supports God’s Word. Life supports God’s Word. And accurate Bible scholarship supports God’s Word. I have written a series on the false teachings of gay revisionist theology. The attitude of your comment makes me doubt that you would be interested, but in case other readers are: click the blue button “Bible Love Notes Archive” on the top bar of the blog. Then scroll down to “Biblical Teaching on Homosexuality” and within that collection, you can access the posts explaining the errors in “Gay revisionist Theology.” Gay revisionist theology attempts to explain away or ignore the multiple passages in God’s Word which clearly warns against their lifestyle.
