
Don't Forget

 During the Holidays, please remember these people and pray for them.

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Some of your Christian brothers and sisters will be suffering this Christmas. 

Christians in North Korea are severely persecuted for any celebration of their faith.

In Saudi Arabia, Christians can be arrested for "plotting to celebrate Christmas." 
Christmas celebrations are illegal in Somalia, and in Tajikistan it's illegal to even exchange gifts during Christmastime. 

In Brunei Christians face 5 years in prison and a $20,000 fine for celebrating Christmas. 

Many of these Christians take their lives into their hands in order to celebrate the birth of their Savior. Perhaps that's one reason I have a problem with the movement to claim that Christmas is pagan. If it were truly a pagan celebration, it wouldn't be on Satan's hit list.

Most of you reading this are like me, free to openly celebrate our Savior's birth with friends and family in comfortable homes with special foods and gifts. 

There's no reason for us to be ashamed of our blessings....unless we forget those who are less fortunate, especially those who suffer for the Name above all Names (Matthew 25:34-40). 

These are our brothers and sisters, so let's take time during our Christmas celebration to pray for those who are suffering.

To read about the situations mentioned in this devotion see 5 Countries Where Christmas Is a Crime.


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Bible Love Notes

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