
Bitter or Better. Slave or Free. Your Choice.

Being positive and productive is determined by things beyond our circumstances. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Sometimes we think positive, productive Christians were raised in perfect circumstances. We think our less-than-perfect lives justify our self-pity and bitterness.

When I write about forgiving family members, denying ourselves, and returning good for evil, I sometimes have someone write me and tell me that I obviously haven't had to deal with any difficult relationships.

My close friends know I've had some very challenging problems with immature, ungodly, ungrateful, and narcissistic people.

We need to understand that none of us had/has perfect life circumstances. And sometimes people faced with the worst situations become the most positive and productive.

They do this by taking responsibility for their own choices and offering grace and forgiveness to those who've offended them. 

Sadly, a great deal of counseling (even "Christian" counseling) encourages us to let our circumstances define and limit us. But the gospel tells us just the opposite. 

We are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and we can trust God to use the worst things in our lives for our good (Romans 8:28).

Bitter or better. Slave or free. The choice is ours. 


Be encouraged by the example of Joseph (see Bad Blood). 

Being positive and productive is determined by things beyond our circumstances. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

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