
God or Culture? Which Will You Choose?

Christians are being faced with this choice and they will continue to be faced with this choice. How will you respond?

How will you handle it when friends, family, or culture call you hateful, stupid, or ignorant for trusting God's commands? What if living your faith becomes uncomfortable and downright difficult?

What will you do? 

1. Will you deny yourself or deny God's truths?

See We Need It: Self-Denial and Long Shortcuts - Matthew 7:13.

2. Will you join culture in justifying things which Scripture condemns?

See Would You Have Justified Slavery?

3. Will you claim that biblical truths should make people feel comfortable?

See Teachings that Bear Good Fruit.

4. Will your faith change your lifestyle or will your lifestyle change your faith?

See Grace and Works, Faith and Obedience and Don't Wander in the Wilderness.

Please take some time today to read Romans 1:16-32

Can you join Paul in saying: "I am not ashamed of the gospel"? 

Do you believe that God is a loving Creator who knows what's best for people? 

Are you willing to suffer persecution, inconvenience, and loss to contend for your faith?

If so, let these words encourage you:

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13


Christians are being faced with this choice and they will continue to be faced with this choice. How will you respond?

Bible Love Notes

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