
Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater

Sometimes people discard beautiful principles in Scripture based on misunderstandings and bad applications.

This is a great metaphor and a timely warning: When we get rid of the dirty bathwater, we must not throw out the precious baby. 

Never throw the good out with the bad.

It’s applicable to Christian principles. 

Christian principles can get "dirty" by human misuse. For example, submission in marriage is sometimes abused, misapplied, and misunderstood. 

So let’s throw out the soiled applications but hold tightly to the precious principle (Ephesians 5:21-33).(1) 

Many biblical disciplines become "grimy" from ignorance. For example, a quiet time can be viewed as a boring duty.

So let’s throw out this grimy misunderstanding and grab the joy, peace, and wisdom that come from meeting with the Lord regularly (Philippians 4:6-7).(2)

God’s design for mankind is often "polluted" by unclean views of sexuality. For example, mankind is seen as an accident of nature with no moral plan or purpose. 

So let’s throw out the lies and grasp the beauty, fulfillment, and protection in God’s design for gender, sexuality, marriage, and family (Genesis 2:18-25).(3) 

Our culture is becoming increasingly negative about Christianity. Sadly, they’re throwing out the wisdom, forgiveness, joy, peace, comfort, love, fulfillment, and grace of the Lord with the dirty bathwater of human confusion and abuse. 


(1) See Why Mutual Submission Is Impossible.

(2) See Have You Folded Any Socks Today? and Spice Up Your Quiet Time.

(3) See God's Design: Love Hormone.


Sometimes people discard beautiful principles in Scripture based on misunderstandings and bad applications.

Bible Love Notes

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