
3 Things that Helped David Stand Firm

David stood firm and overcame great enemies because he understood 3 things.

How do we take a stand and fight the good fight when our culture promotes immorality, mocks Scripture, and attempts to pervert or silence God's Word?

We can follow David’s example with Goliath (1 Samuel 17):

1. He stood when his countrymen were cowering. 

2. He stood when his family mocked him. 

3. He stood even when he saw the size of his enemy. 

There are many voices in the church telling us to compromise on biblical moral values. Many families are mocking Christian family members (Matthew 10:35-39). The pressure to conform to our culture can seem overwhelming at times.

What made David stand when others cowered, mocked, and ran? 

1. He walked in God's strength, not his own. 

See his statement in 1 Samuel 17:45-47.(1)    

2. His love for God was greater than his desire for popularity. 

See David's tribute to God's love in Psalm 27 and Psalm 103.(2)

3. He knew God was bigger than any enemy. 

See David's affirmation of God's power in Psalm 18.(3)

Many false views of God are being promoted in our culture and in the church. 

Our view of God is the most important thing about us. It determines the course of our lives.

Only through accurate study of God’s Word can we identify and reject false views of Jesus. Belief in the inerrancy of Scripture and accurate study of Scripture is the only way we can stand with David. 


(1) A key statement: "David said to the Philistine, 'You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'" 1 Samuel 17:45

(2) A key statement: "Though my mother and father forsake me, the Lord will receive me." Psalm 27:10

(3) A key statement: "He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me." Psalm 18:17

American Christians, no matter who is elected as President, we need to take a firm stand against the evil of abortion. We must not mock those who are outspoken against it and we must be informed about the large number of leaders who wish to remove all state laws that restrict abortion in any way. This includes laws which prohibit late term abortions when babies feel pain, when they are viable and adoptable; laws which allow women to make intelligent choices with full information about the development of their unborn babies; even laws which require that doctors treat babies born alive in abortions. If you haven't already read it, please read the full content of the devotion, "Would you Have Justified Slavery?" It contains multiple resources confirming the battle we are up against. I encourage you to share it with your small group or Bible study. In the same way that we must speak up against racism, sexual immorality and hate crimes, we must also speak up against abortion!


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David stood firm and overcame great enemies because he understood 3 things.

David stood firm and overcame great enemies because he understood 3 things.

Bible Love Notes

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