
Beware of Subtle forms of Revenge

It's easy to commit subtle acts of revenge if we're not careful. This 1-minute devotion offers 5 biblical ways to avoid it. #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Devotions

It's easy to be loving and gracious to those who are kind and pleasant.

But the genuineness of our faith is reflected in how we treat people who are disagreeable or inconsiderate. 

Situations with difficult people challenge and refine our faith (1 Peter 1:6-7).  If we refuse to respond biblically, we prove that our faith is weak (Proverbs 24:10).  

Luke 6:32: "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them."

Romans 12:17-21 gives us these guidelines:

1. Don’t repay evil with evil (12:17 & 19).

2. Be a godly example to others (12:17).

3. Try our best to get along (12:18).

4. Realize that it’s God's job, not ours, to punish others (12:19).(1)

5. Act in the “opposite spirit”—being kind to the unkind, humble to the proud, gracious to the rude (12:20-21).(2) 

God's commands challenge us to become better in the worst of circumstances.

(1) This does not mean that parents shouldn't punish children or that courts shouldn't punish offenders. It means that we are not supposed to take personal revenge, doing rude or unkind things to people who've offended us personally.
(2) Pouting, acting cold toward others, or saying rude things are childish tactics that reflect selfishness and immaturity.

It's easy to commit subtle acts of revenge if we're not careful. This 1-minute devotion offers 5 biblical ways to avoid it. #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Devotions

Bible Love Notes


  1. Yes ma'am that is so true I really needed this lesson this morning see I work nights at Aludyne making safety parts for all vehicles.and one of my co-workers who constantly gets on my nerves and I just what I do to deal with his rudiness and as soon as was thinking I need to be praying 🙏 😇 for him and that spirit that hindering him thank you for your help

    1. What a blessing when God speaks to our hearts and shows us His ways. God bless you. I pray that God will give you peace and courage to deal with this annoying coworker.

  2. I live with the potential of something like this happening in my own home.
    I have gone to God in prayer and supplication;I have gonefor counseling for strategies; I have asked other Christians for prayer; I have given it God but taken it back again.
    I have forgiven, repented and tried again.
    I have been guilty in ways of reacting that you present in your post.
    So today is a new day. I am ready to live it with God's will and when verbal storms come this it any other day, I will remember "Christ is still inside my boat, whipped by wind, yet still afloat."
    I will with the help of God the Father,Son and Holy Spirit because then my life will be much calmer and so will I. Pray with me!

    1. I love your honesty and your attitude, dear Marilynn.
      And I love the lyrics you quoted: "Christ is still inside my boat, whipped by wind, yet still afloat."

      May God give both you and me the strength to do His will.
