
Bad Comforters and Good Comforters

There are lots of bad comforters around, but Scriptures offers godly advice so we can be good comforters to help those who are hurting. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

God wants His people to be good comforters to those who are hurting (2 Corinthians 1:3-6).

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.” (v. 4)

Godly comforters:

1. Empathize instead of offering unsolicited advice.(1)

If we are aware of an obvious sin, we must speak the truth in love (Matthew 18:15; 1 Corinthians 5:12; James 5:19-20). 

But most suffering people are dealing with complex situations, and we’re as arrogant as “Job’s friends” if we think we can figure out their problems.

Instead we should empathize(2) with those who are hurting (Romans 12:15).

2. Listen instead of talking.

Even though James 1:19 addresses anger, it also gives two principles that help us comfort: listening much and speaking little.

3. Pray instead of gossiping.

Bad comforters share the sorrows of others without permission. Good comforters pray (Ephesians 6:18).

Good comforters are few and far between but, oh, so wonderful to have when we are struggling with problems. 

Good comforters do more than comfort us. They teach us how to comfort others.
(1) If we're asked for advice, we can give it, but we should do so carefully.
(2) Empathy goes beyond sympathy. It means sharing the feelings of the other person. 

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There are lots of bad comforters around, but Scriptures offers godly advice so we can be good comforters to help those who are hurting. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Yes, as a Parathyroid disease Survivor after 10 YES 10 yrs of fighting to be heard by Drs at every level of the Medical fraternity .. ..I a Registered Nurse who has experience as a GP Afterhours Clinic Triage nurse and a joint Practice Manager for that Afterhours Clinic for 5+ years, I certainly know the Patient's side when trying to tell a Dr of their health issues.
    I was not listened to and believed when I was telling the Mental health Drs that I had Medical problems NOT 'psychosis'. I was treated in an Acute Mental health unit for major depression when I had Parathyroid disease the symptoms of which include anxiety, depression and many other Cognitive issues.

    1. I'm so sorry for your miss-diagnosis. I'm glad you have it straightened out.

  2. My wife, while seeking answers to her worsening back pain, asked our new doctor for an mri. He told her "You don't need an mri, you just need to try arobics about 3 times a week to loose some weight..." (she was about 135 lbs) The next doctor sent her for a high def x ray, and found a plasmacytoma tumor had caused 2 compression fractures on her spine. I notified the first doctor that arobics does not cure cancer.

    1. I'm so glad you didn't take the first doctor's word for it and found out the real problem. I pray for your wife's quick recovery.
