
Learning A Hard But Important Lesson

This grandma learned 3 Things God from falling Off My Scooter. I think you'll find them interesting.

This week I went out to ride my kick scooter. 

It’s just a simple, non-motorized scooter, but I went down a hill too fast and fell.

I ended up in the emergency room with some seriously pulled shoulder muscles, a swollen knee, and a number of scrapes and bruises. 

Okay, I’m a seventy year old grandma who should know better. I’ll be the first to admit it.

But this experience reminded me of some wonderful truths:

This grandma learned 3 Things God from falling Off My Scooter. I think you'll find them interesting.
1. None of us would survive life if angels weren’t running interference for us. I am praising God that He protected me from worse damage to my body (Psalm 91:11; Hebrews 1:14).

2. Even when bad things happen, even when we don’t understand why, we can learn something (Romans 8:28).(1)

3. We shouldn’t take unnecessary risks for just anything. But for God’s Kingdom, we should never quit taking risks! When God asks us to do something that seems foolish to the world, it’s not. He can do more in and through us than we can ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

It’s time for all of us to hop on God’s scooter and give it a kick. He has places for us to go and things for us to do (Ephesians 2:10)!
(1) Romans 8:28 is such a wonderful verse. Bible Love Notes has a complete archive of 1-minute devotions based on it: Romans 8:28 Devotions.


  1. Hey Gail, I had a similar experience years ago when the triplets were little. I tried to ride one of the kid's bikes down a walking trail at the park near our house. I hit a spot of soft dirt, lost control of the bike and went sliding. I didn't have to go to the ER. I had a few scrapes and bruises. I can relate!

  2. Thank you for sharing. I have read your messages for years, but I have never taken the time to say thank you. Thank you!

  3. Feel better Gail! Thank you for taking the time out to turn your injury into a godly perspective.

    Sister Lisa

  4. Hope you are healing well. Take care.
