
Guard Your Heart

Starting with an example of the way our world worships fame and fortune, this 1-minute devotion encourages us to guard our hearts. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Proverbs

“Sportswriters calculate that the year after Michael Jordan retired (the second time), he earned from his endorsements more than twice as much as all U.S. presidents earned for all of their terms combined. He earned more endorsing Nike shoes than all the workers in Malaysia who made the shoes.”(1)

This is but one example of the way our world worships, values, and rewards fame and fortune.

God designed us for worship, and if we don't worship Him, we'll worship other people or things - athletes, celebrities, wealth, beauty, intellect, power, etc. (1 John 2:15-17).

We can even worship good things like health and family if we place them ahead of our devotion to God (Matthew 10:37).

No wonder Scripture says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23

Today let's ask God if we are valuing anything or anyone too much.

(1) Philip Yancey, Rumours, Zondarvan, 2003, p.34 

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Starting with an example of the way our world worships fame and fortune, this 1-minute devotion encourages us to guard our hearts. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Proverbs

Bible Love Notes


  1. so how does one actually guard their heart? can we be specific? is it singing praise all day in between prayers for every single thing? why not be a monk or nun if that's the case...realistically we can't be focused on God every second or every minute. I'm not being a smarty pants. Everyone is different and there are many who give up because they are confused or have no frame of reference for what this means or the Holy Spirit isn't getting through, via the Bible or prayer. So is a post like this only for the special few who already understand? If not, I'm requesting real specifics on how one goes about guarding their heart in real daily situations, trials or mundane days where nothing is happening?

    1. Hi SadFlapJacks,

      Nothing makes sense until we commit our lives to Christ and begin to learn from Him. We can read the Bible a hundred times, but until we have God's Spirit teaching us, it won't makes sense.

      God alone gives us the strength and wisdom to guard our hearts and live the life He has called us to live.

      You are so right that everyone is different but God can speak to any heart that is open to hear Him.

      I have written many things on this blog that are practical ways to guard your heart, and I encourage you to take a look at the "subject archive" to find some that might help. But my best advice is to read Scripture and pray. God can give you guidance specific to your needs.

      God bless you.

  2. a nice post! thank you for sharing this, Gail!
