
Did Jesus Really Say I'm Greater Than John The Baptist?

What Jesus Meant When He Said All Believers Are Greater Than John The Baptist
In Matthew 11:7-15, Jesus describes the ministry of John the Baptist. 

He explains that John was more than a prophet. He was the messenger who prepared Christ’s coming (Scriptures). 

Jesus makes a remarkable statement – no prophet is greater than John. He prophesied about the Messiah and saw Jesus face-to-face. This made John unique among the prophets – the greatest.

Then in the next breath Jesus says all Christians are greater than John. What does this mean?

John was the last “Old Testament” prophet – the last to prophesy about a redemption he wouldn't witness.

He saw Jesus, but he was martyred before Jesus completed His mission of redemption on the cross. 

Yet every believer after Christ’s death has been able to understand and experience that redemption while still on earth.

You and I are not greater in courage, spirituality, character, or value than John. But we have a greater privilege - a full understanding of redemption after the fact. 

What a wonderful privilege it is!
What Jesus Meant When He Said All Believers Are Greater Than John The Baptist


  1. your studies provide me with so much to add to my home group studies. Thankyou

  2. Wow! Excellent privilege we have as Christ's believer. I remember Jesus said "The first will become the last and the last become first." Praise the Lord!
