
Alphabetical Prayer

This is a fun way to add meaning and depth to your prayer life. It's not a magic formula, simply a way to help your prayers flow more readily. Check it out. #Prayer #Devotions #BibleLoveNotes

Prayer should be spontaneous and natural. But sometimes we need help focusing (Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2).

Recently I woke in the middle of the night, feeling God wanted me to pray for a friend, but I couldn’t really pray beyond a sentence or two. 

I admit I was tired, but sometimes I have this problem when I’m wide awake. 

So I decided to do an alphabet prayer, praying through the alphabet.

For example:
A – Attitudes, Abilities, Acceptance, Alertness
B – Balance, Beliefs, Boldness, overcoming Bitterness
C – Courage, Comfort, Creativity, Commitment, Contentment
D – Decisions, Desires, Discouragement, Dependence on God

If I couldn’t think of something fitting for a letter, I went on to the next. But as I prayed, I discovered more areas where prayer was needed.

Next time you’re having difficulty praying, why not give it a try. It’s also a great way to "count your blessings" or list characteristics of God for thanksgiving and praise (Philippians 4:6).

See also Prompts & Prayers and Set Your Mind or Set Your Alarm
Some additional examples of praying the alphabet:
E – Effectiveness, Enthusiasm, overcoming Evil
F – Friends, Family, Favor, Faithfulness, Fear, Forgiveness, Fruitfulness
G – Graciousness, Gratefulness, Gentleness
H – Help, Holiness, Health, Humility, Hope
I – Influences, Inspiration, Insight
J – Joy, Justice
K – Kindness, Knowledge 
L – Love, Loyalty, Losses
M – Meekness, Motivation, Modesty
N – New life, Needs, spiritual Nurture
O – Overcoming sin, Optimism, Obedience
P – Peace, Purpose, Patience, overcoming Pride
Q – Quality of Quiet times, gentle and Quiet spirit
R – Relationships, Righteousness, Resisting the Devil
S – Self-control, Self-denial, Stability, Submission, Service, Strength
T – Trust, Thankfulness, Teachable
U – Unity, Uncompromising, Understanding
V – Victorious, Values
W – Wisdom, Work, Weariness, Witness
X – Xenial (hospitable)
Y – Yielding to God’s will, Yearning for God’s truth
Z – Zeal, Zest for God
Can you think of other good prompts from the alphabet?

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This is a fun way to add meaning and depth to your prayer life. It's not a magic formula, simply a way to help your prayers flow more readily. Check it out.

This is a fun way to add meaning and depth to your prayer life. It's not a magic formula, simply a way to help your prayers flow more readily. Check it out. #Prayer #Devotions #BibleLoveNotes


  1. I really had to smile when I read this, Gail. One night when I couldn't sleep I started praying through the character and attributes of God using the alphabet. I really can't remember anything past "G" -- goodness, grace, greatness -- because I fell asleep. But I do remember how blessed I felt to focus on the Lord this way, and now I often pray through the "Alphabet of God" when I'm driving some distance. Thanks for sharing a positive addition to our prayer life.

  2. I enjoyed your list too!
    Two to add , how about `Bless` for B and `Glory` for G!! oh, and `Delight` for D!!
    Blessings to you!!

  3. This is lovely, I never thought of this before. I will include this method in my prayers.

  4. Great idea! I wake up often too. :( I never thought of praying the attributes of God, instead I pray for the people I can think with those letters that start with their first name (Ann, Amy, Bill, Bob, Celine, etc.

  5. Do you have a list of the alphabetical prayer that isn’t separated?

  6. i love this thank you God bless you all
