
The Reason We Obey

The law helped lead us to Christ, but both Old and New Testament offer this reason for obedience. #Bible #Biblestudy #BibleLoveNotes

Sometimes people think the New Testament teaches faith and the Old Testament law-keeping. Not true. 

Both are based on faith: “Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness” (Genesis 15:6; also Habakkuk 2:4Romans 4:3).

Law-keeping was emphasized in the Old Testament because the law was our “guardian,” leading us to Christ. The Greek word translated guardian in Galatians 3:24 is pedagogue – a slave who cared for children, correcting, protecting, and disciplining them until they went to school. 

The Law was our pedagogue, making us conscious of sin (Romans 3:20), foreshadowing Christ (Hebrews 10:1) and preparing us for the full message of grace and truth in Christ (John 1:17). 

Christ didn’t destroy the law. He fulfilled it (Matthew 5:17).

He showed us that righteous living flows out of our love for God, not legalistic duty (John 14:21). 

Christ came in grace and truth, forgiving sin and giving us the desire and strength to live godly lives (Ephesians 3:16-19; Titus 2:11-13). 

For more insights on law and grace: Got Questions.  
You might also like to read: Enjoying Obedience and Love Without Obedience Isn't Love.
For a short Bible study on this devotion, check out today's Bite Size Study.

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The law helped lead us to Christ, but both Old and New Testament offer this reason for obedience.



The law helped lead us to Christ, but both Old and New Testament offer this reason for obedience. #Bible #Biblestudy #BibleLoveNotes

Bible Love Notes

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