
Key to Contentment

Sometimes we need a reminder of what we have, a reminder of what others have. This devotion offers that perspective. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

The hotel bathroom in the hall had no hot water. We flushed the toilet with a bucket of water. 

Our tiny room had a cement floor, and the cardboard patching the window was little protection against the freezing temperatures outside.

It didn’t help that I was sick from our meal in the mountain village the night before. We’d seen the villagers washing our serving dishes in a stream before we ate. That’s probably what did it.

The Indians in that village were grateful and content. They joyfully traveled by foot to a small church with a dirt floor. They would have considered our cement-floored hotel a place of luxury.

Sometimes I need experiences like this to remember the difference between wants and needs. I have so much more than I deserve. 

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
copyright 2012, Gail Burton Purath

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Freedom of Contentment

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Sometimes we need a reminder of what we have, a reminder of what others have. This devotion offers that perspective. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy


  1. What is the biblical response to 'Healthcare is a "right"'? Is anything a 'right'?

    1. Great question.

      In this earthly life, we are not always given the "rights" God desires. For example, freedom of worship is not available in some countries. And the same is true with healthcare.

      It's a godly desire for all of us to get the care we need, but we live in a fallen world and not all godly desires will be met this side of heaven.

      There are also some political issues involved with healthcare, details including taxes, finances, availability, etc. So, if someone is asking about government "rights and responsibilities" it becomes even more difficult to answer.

      Christians should have a desire to help those in need, but we cannot promise government programs will agree.

      Maybe I'm missing the point though. Feel free to add more comments.

  2. The point was if rights are God-given or if all good things are a gift to sinners who deserve nothing, or both.

  3. God originally created us to have thus and such, but it doesn't always work out (for multiple reasons) in a fallen word. God wants people to have what they need because he loves us, not because we did anything to deserve anything. Yes?

    1. Regarding whether rights are God-given. I'm not sure I have an answer. God gives us life, sun, rain, breath, etc. But even these are gifts, not rights. But, at the same time, God expects us to consider the desires and needs of others, so we are supposed to be concerned about other people's rights.

      And regarding God's care. God does care for our needs, even for the needs of those who reject him, but He also rewards those who serve Him faithfully. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 is one place where this is explained.

      Again, I'm not sure I've answered your question, and maybe I don't know the answer.
