
Spiritual Atrophy - We Never Stand Still

Beware of backing off from prayer or Bible reading. You might be putting your spiritual muscles in danger.

Years ago, I became disappointed by continuing difficulties and doubted my prayers were making much difference. So I cut back on prayer and Bible study.

Nothing happened immediately, but gradually my faith muscles grew weaker. I struggled more, I questioned more, I was more confused and frustrated. I couldn’t push Satan’s condemning remarks from my ears as easily, and my grasp on truth grew weaker. 

One afternoon I was overwhelmed with oppression like nothing I’d ever experienced before—total despair without any basis in fact. It frightened me and I decided to reestablish my quiet-time disciplines. 

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.” Romans 12:2 

At first my spiritual muscles were weak and wobbly, but gradually they recovered. And I learned an important lesson: We never stand still—we either move forward or backward!

For more encouragement, see Mere Talk of Power?

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Beware of backing off from prayer or Bible reading. You might be putting your spiritual muscles in danger.

Beware of backing off from prayer or Bible reading. You might be putting your spiritual muscles in danger.

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