
My Friend Lived Like a Dog in a Box

Growing up under Communism made my friend feel like a dog trapped in a box. This 1-minute devotion explains why. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

A dog forced to live in a small box doesn’t know what it’s like to run free and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. He may be content until he learns that life is more than a box.

That’s how my Hungarian friend Judit described growing up under Communism. 

Because Communism is atheistic, it forces people to live in a manmade box of lies and it creates false gods for them to worship. 

That's why Judit’s Russian teachers made her recite, “Lenin always lived; Lenin lives; and Lenin will live forever.” 

But Judit listened to Radio Free Europe and discovered there was life beyond her Communist box, and when Communism fell, Judit also discovered Christ.

Lenin didn't always live, but his evil legacy lives on 100 years after his death, leaving scars on half of Europe and poisoning other countries.

Judit with her daughter and me in Budapest, Hungary
Sadly, Lenin will live forever in eternal punishment, because he denied this truth: “Jesus always lived; Jesus lives; and Jesus will live forever”  (Revelation 1:8).

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35

Pray for Christians persecuted in communist countries and pray that Europe and America will quit denying biblical principles and forcing people to live in a box of lies.


As an American, I have a special interest in the damage of Communism in Europe. We lived in Mainz, Germany in 1979-1982 when the communist block still existed and my husband commanded a tank company that protected an area of the border dividing East and West Germany. Then in 2005-2010, we did Christian work in Budapest, Hungary and we saw the after-effects of 40 years of Communist oppression. Please read some of my other devotions related to my experiences:

What Stacking Dolls Have Taught Me (I share this in a video)

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Great Devotional!

Growing up under Communism made my friend feel like a dog trapped in a box. This 1-minute devotion explains why.

Growing up under Communism made my friend feel like a dog trapped in a box. This 1-minute devotion explains why.

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