
Seeing the Good in the Bad

This Biblical Principle will Revolutionize our lives, if we let it. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire and encourage you!

I’ll never forget the time one of my “big sisters” in the Lord woke up to find several inches of water covering her floors because of a broken pipe. Her family had planned to start their vacation that day. Instead, they cleaned up water for several days.

“I’m so thankful this happened before we left instead of while we were gone,” she said, describing the situation.

Funny….that’s not what I was thinking…I was thinking, “What a terrible way to spend the first few days of your vacation.”

The Hungarians have a proverb: "In every difficulty there is something good." My friend had the ability to see that good.

As Christians, even when we can’t see the good, we have a promise that it’s there:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

May we live like we believe this promise!


See Do You Believe It? for more encouragement.

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If you enjoy Bible Love Notes one-minute devotions, I think you'll also enjoy my devotional Wisdom for Life. It's a hard-cover book priced lower than most paperbacks.  Click the image to find out more. ~ Gail

This Biblical Principle will Revolutionize our lives, if we let it. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire and encourage you!

This Biblical Principle will Revolutionize our lives, if we let it. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire and encourage you!

This Biblical Principle will Revolutionize our lives, if we let it. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire and encourage you!


  1. Amen! It's simple to do once you get the hang of it. For example, if my child gets sick and throws up, I'm so happy he threw up in the toilet. If he doesn't make it that far, I'm happy he threw up on the floor and not on me! Some things are harder to be grateful for, true. The effort in looking for something to be grateful for starts the change in your outlook and that's a good thing...

  2. this is a very important lesson for all of us to learn! when something goes bad, god is there with us. lovely post, Gail! thank you for sharing it.

  3. Amen God will use our circumstances to bring out the best in us so that we became strong and brave and to be more determine on him. bad things happen before the good things comes

  4. Hi Gail, I have an acquaitance who actually did have this happen while they were away on hols. It was terrible for them to come home to, especially as it had been that way for weeks. It happened in the top storey of their house + water seeped into the kitchen on lower storey. It was a huge job to fix it all + reqd a new kitchen. So yes, before leaving for vacation is better, not that there's ever a good time.
