
What if they Knew the Real Me?

Sometimes when I get a compliment, I wonder what people would think if they saw me at my worst. This reminds me of a quality that God values very highly. Do you know what it is?

When I get complimentary comments from readers, I sometimes wonder what they'd think if they knew I'm sometimes cranky and selfish. Sometimes I get angry for the wrong reasons.

My husband is my biggest fan, but he'd agree that I sometimes fall short. 

Recently I told him how disappointed I was in myself for getting angry with him, and he said, "You don't do it often, and you always admit it." 

That blessed me. I don't ever want to excuse or ignore my sins. I want to turn from them. 

Repentance is enormously important to God. That's why God considered David such a godly king even after he'd committed adultery and murder (e.g. 1 Kings 11:4; 1 Kings 15:3). God punished David for his sins, but he honored him for his sincere and thorough repentance.(1) 

Acknowledging sin is the first step of overcoming it. The second step is being deliberate to pray for God's help in dealing with it.

I am praying to deal Biblically with several sins. Are there some personal sins you need to put on your prayer list?
(1) See Psalm 51 for David's thorough repentance. See  Short List for a comparison of Saul and David's repentance and see Repent and Re-prioritize  for another 1-minute thought of David's character.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" or "read sample" on Lifeway or Amazon.
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Sometimes when I get a compliment, I wonder what people would think if they saw me at my worst. This reminds me of a quality that God values very highly. Do you know what it is?

Sometimes when I get a compliment, I wonder what people would think if they saw me at my worst. This reminds me of a quality that God values very highly. Do you know what it is?


  1. I can totally relate to this! Yes, I'll be adding a new section to my prayer journal today. Thank you....

  2. The Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning and said, If all our sins were exposed at once, like the deep sea, it would crush us. I have issues with going deeper, because I know the deeper things have pain, pressure and trials. I pray that I can be such a believer that will walk on the water instead of shorline surfing. I am scared all the time, yet when I focus on Jesus, wow somehow I get through it. I enjoy your notes very much, and find the wisdom of a woman who keeps her lantern lit and is relateable. May the Lord continue to bless you and the words you use.

    1. Great analogy, Sharon. I also want to be on the water, not near the shore. And thank you so much for your kind words. :)

  3. So awesome and so true. Yes, indeed we need to always be in a state of searching ourselves and lining up to scripture. God see's the heart and even with all our imperfections his grace is all we need to correct sin's and behavior to line up with scripture. I so enjoy you writing.

    1. So true, Gale. So glad God sees the heart both when I need correction and when I'm sorry for my failures. And thank you for your encouragement.

  4. Thanks for your truthfulness. Yes, acknowledging sin is the first step toward asking forgiveness and turning from it. blessings, Amy
