
Twisted Scripture

Beware of these "Twisted Scriptures" that deceive many. 3 examples of popular errors based on Twisted Scriptures.

Be careful because Satan twists Scripture!

For example:
God: Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31).  
Satan: You can't love others until you first love (i.e. esteem) yourself. 
Error: Loving others doesn't mean admiring them. It means treating them as we want to be treated (Matthew 7:12). In fact, we're commanded to deny ourselves and treat others better than ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4; Matthew 16:24). 

When we focus on God and others, we have a healthier self-esteem.

Another example:
God: Dwell on what's good (Philippians 4:8).
Satan: Dwell on what's good about yourself and you'll be a better person.
Error: The purpose of this verse is peace and gratefulness, not self-esteem (Philippians 4:9). We become better people by humbly admitting our sins, asking God's help, and being honest about our weaknesses (Romans 12:3; James 4:10). 

Satan tempted Eve by telling her she'd be like God, and selfishness has reigned in the human heart ever since (Genesis 3:5). 

Let's seek to honor God first and foremost and beware of selfish interpretations of Scripture (Matthew 6:33). 
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Beware of these "Twisted Scriptures" that deceive many. 3 examples of popular errors based on Twisted Scriptures.

Beware of these "Twisted Scriptures" that deceive many. 3 examples of popular errors based on Twisted Scriptures.


  1. that is a lovely post, Gail! we indeed have to watch out for Satan as he does twist the scriptures! that is why we focus on Jesus at all times!

  2. I do think that if we hate ourselves or have a low opinion of ourselves, we cant really love others.

    1. I completely agree. It's all about projection. We project onto other the relationship we have with ourselves. If I can't agape love myself, how am I going to be able to agape love someone else? Part of the problem also concerns the definition of "love" as taken by the reader of this scripture. Agape love, the highest for of love - God's love for us -- versus narcissistic love. When I "twist this scripture -- and i do -- I'm stating love in the former sense, not the latter.

  3. We should have a healthy esteem and respect for ourselves as it says in the same scripture to love and treat
    others as ourselves. If we do not know the standard for how we should be treated how can we treat others the same. If one is abused and told it is love or what they deserve we will have a twisted or unjust standard of love and cannot rightly apply it. Also, when they are given godly love they will be so vastly humiliated by it they take it as insult or they cheapen the gift by refusing to accept it unless they can equally or further recompensate it.

    1. You have beautifully explained the world' philosophy. It does sound good, I admit, but it's not Scriptural.

      There is not a single passage in Scripture that tells us to feel good about ourselves or have a high esteem for ourselves. But there are Scriptures that tell us to not think too highly of ourselves, to be humble and deny ourselves.

      If an abused person thinks that their abuse if good, then they need counseling, but most abused people realize they are not being treated as they want to be treated. It's not a self-esteem problem. It's a relationship problem.

      And the Scripture you mention is about treating people as you want to be treated, not feeling good about them or even "liking" them. It's about treatment not affection and love.

      Many who are given godly love become rude, narcissistic, evil people. Many who were abused become lovely, kind people. Those who mistreat others will be held accountable by God, but no adult in Christ needs to be trapped by their past no matter how terrible it was.

    2. Sirach 10:28-29 says otherwise "My son, keep your self-respect but remain modest. Value yourself at your true worth. There is no excuse for a person to run themself down. No one respects a person that has no respect for himself." If all we focus on is our sinful state how can we pursue holiness, or acknowledge or use the Spirit's gifts? If you look at every single leader, prophet, judge that God chose they all had excuses, Sarah laughed. Moses stuttered. Gideon didn't have the right earthly authority. Samuel thought someone else had called and then was hesitant to relay the message. Saul just wanted to find some missing donkeys. Jeremiah said he was too young. Isaiah only saw his sin. Zechariah scoffed at the news. And God reprimanded them all for their not valuing themselves. Mary, mother of Christ who was appointed who took the assignment with no excuse attached.

    3. Hi Unknown,
      This is found in a book that is not accepted as God's Word by many Christians. And the message it expresses is not found anywhere in the accepted canon of Scripture. In fact, it contradicts these other Scriptures.

      And you have not correctly understood or expressed what happened to the people you mention. Never once did God say they were to value themselves. He said they were to value God and trust that He could work through them. He encouraged them to have God-esteem, not self-esteem. When Moses esteemed himself, he killed an Egyptian. God waited until Moses had no self-esteem to call him. When Sarah laughed, she laughed at God's promise, not her self-esteem. Saul lost his position because he thought he could do what God had told him not to do....he esteemed his ideas and plans above God.

    4. Even though this is about a husband and wife. We should love others with just as much passion. We can love ourselves but it must pale in comparison to the love we have for others. “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:28‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  4. My 2 cents. With so much focus on self these days, it's no wonder we confuse God's love for our own. We make things way more complicated, by inserting our feelings into how we understand His Word. As I get older He is showing me I need more compassion for others and where they are . My goal now is to allow the Holy Spirit move through me in such a way, that whoever I meet feels that respect and love only God can give. And in the process I am loved beyond measure. Only took me 50+ years to get out of the way and let Jesus guide me .
    Ever meet a stranger walking towards you and smile. That my friend is a blessing from above. 🕊

    1. Hi Granda MiMi,
      Yes, we should show the love of God to all people regardless of their stage in life or maturity, but if we fail to address sin and fail to express concern for the sinful lifestyles, we are not showing the love of Christ. Christ loved us enough to warn us and He was willing to be hated for doing so because salvation for eternity is more important that happiness and respect in this life.

      “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first... I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you... They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me... Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. ...‘They hated me without reason.’" John 15:18-25
